Computer Arts E-portfolio
Student Guidance

BA (Hons) Computer Arts students rely on artistic ability, imagination and creativity to drive their digital arts projects.

Showcase your artistic and creative ability

When applying to the programme, you're able to support your UCAS application by showcasing your artistic and creative ability in the creation, construction and development of images, through the submission of an e-portfolio.

Watch the video below to hear from the Programme Leaders and find out what we're looking for in a portfolio.


Within the e-portfolio, assessors are looking for evidence of traditional arts practice in the form of: 

  • Life drawing

  • Still life

  • Environmental drawing/painting

Traditional pieces within the portfolio should aim to showcase a grasp of perspective, form, tone and colour in the interpretation of real-world stimuli.

Assessors are also looking for evidence of imaginative arts practice within the eportfolio such as (but not limited to):

  • Character designs

  • Environment designs

  • Vehicle designs

  • Narrative images and/or sequential art

Within these works, assessors want to understand your creative process, from initial concept, through research and development to the final outcome. Therefore, each imaginative work within the e-portfolio should be presented as a one-sheet composition, which demonstrates each of the individual stages of ideation.

Contents of your e-portfolio

When preparing your submission, please ensure that your e-portfolio contains:

  • 10 pieces maximum (1 piece = 1 digital file) - Please be selective showcasing only your best work.

  • Examples of traditional media work, drawn from life, each of which will count as one single piece.

  • Examples of imaginative work compiled into a composition sheet showcasing ideation, development, iteration and final work, in one sheet. Each imaginative project will count as one single piece.

  • For advanced entry applications (year two or three), digital work must be included within the e-portfolio and should showcase the developmental process of both 2D and 3D digital imagery from research through to completion. Each composition for a project will be counted as one single piece.

  • Annotation can be included in the e-portfolio, either within a digital text file (does not contribute to the e-portfolio as a piece) or as text annotation within the images themselves. Annotation can be used to communicate creative process, the goals of creative work, timeframes of work drawn from life or to showcase reflection upon final pieces.

Should you wish to submit movie files, clips of 30 seconds to 1 minute will be accepted and each individual movie file will count as one single piece

Digital work is not required for year one entry, but where an applicant chooses to include digital examples, it should be compiled into a composition that showcases idea development, iteration and the final work.

Highlight passion, enthusiasm and creativity

Within your e-portfolio you should aim to showcase your passion, enthusiasm and creativity. We would like to see a range of your creative work and should you have examples which do not fall into the required content detailed above, please consider including it within your submission to further showcase your creative potential and complement the required e-portfolio content.

For example, artistic practises such as photography, sculpture, printmaking, and collage are also welcome additions - all forms of creative practice can contribute to your e-portfolio. Full submission details and technical guidelines will be provided to students upon application.


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