Transform Net-Zero

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We are all aware of the Global climate emergency. And with food production causing up to a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, Abertay is here to help with Transform Net-Zero.

Transform Net-Zero is an initiative designed to help reduce carbon emissions in the Scottish food and drink industry.  Scottish Enterprise are funding a 2-year project to use Abertay's leading Food Innovation, Environment and Computer Games expertise.

And it’s entirely free...

The Low Carbon Challenge fund has been matched by Abertay University to give Scottish Food SMEs free support over the next 2 years.

We want to help companies like yours to become more sustainable and energy efficient, as well as giving you real cost savings. 

Find out more, and see our contact details at the bottom of the page.

Our aim

Our aim is to help you to reduce the energy, waste and water use across your business so you can save money - and help the environment at the same time.

You may not get to #NetZero emissions but that’s the goal! 

Online Learning Materials

Transform: Net-Zero Logo

What's in it for your business?

You will have FREE access to our world-class academic expertise and research facilities in food innovation, environmental management and applied games. We will:

  • Help make your business become more energy efficient. 
  • Give you access to skills, training, workshops, and networks. 
  • Develop new market/product ideas using low carbon processes.
  • Work through specific problems, such as issues with existing technologies or potential environmental barriers impacting on your product uptake.
Product scientist analysing green matter - Transform Net-Zero

What kind of projects do we mean?

There is a lot of potential. For instance, improving water usage, increasing energy efficiency, using carbon dioxide as a resource or creating new products from food waste. There is even potential to use applied gaming to create small prototypes.

We can help develop new products or processes that open up new markets. In reality, this could mean turning the waste from making whisky into by-products (such as gin!), or making drying equipment in a bakery more energy efficient. 

Choc production in a factory - Transform Net-Zero

The details

We will work with your business for 1-2 weeks to minimise disruption and maximise the output. We want you and the environment to gain from this, so everything we do is designed to deliver a useful outcome.

Along the way we will introduce you to other businesses across Scotland working in similar sectors to you. The opportunities are endless and the results are tangible.

Solar farm from above - Transform Net-Zero

What resources are available?

The project involves our world-class academic expertise and use of facilities in the Gaming, Food Innovation and Engineering and Environmental departments. Find out more:

The Abertay Game Lab

Food Innovation @ Abertay

Our Engineering Facilities

The Food & Drink Innovation Laboratories

Related Case Studies

Three taste testing windows with a person behind each window offering food tasting

Sign up for a workshop: the first step

Attending a free workshop is the first step, designed to give you all the information you need, and introduce you to the academics who will help you. We will give you realistic advice as well as building connections.

These events are currently on Teams so very easy to attend. There are workshops for specific sectors such as distilling, baking and meat production. 

Please contact us to find out about the next one.

Brewery - two men holding pints - Transform Net Zero
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Contact Us

Please contact us to find out more.

Katrina Ross is our Project Innovation Officer and main point of contact.


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