Mr Charles Malone


School School of Business, Law and Social Sciences

Department Division of Accounting Business and Management

Contact info

+44 (0)1382 30 8487


I’m an international management lecturer at Abertay with considerable experience of providing advice and consultancy in areas such as strategic planning and employee engagement.  I am the Programme Leader for Business Management and the Chartered Management Institute lead on campus. 

I also lead Abertay’s Innovation for Global Growth project which involves Abertay students and some of Scotland's leading employers - including Heineken, RBS and BT, SFA - working together to find solutions to business problems. As part of this project, Abertay students recently used computer games technology to help design BT's first Customer Experience Lab.  The event has been recognised for its contribution to graduate employability and employment.

My teaching is mainly in the areas of international management, organisational behaviour and critical management studies. I’m a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and am keen to explore contemporary approaches to teaching and learning.  My approach to teaching is largely influenced by storytelling and innovative methods in assessment.  

My most rewarding achievements to date have been being recognised by my students for my approaches to teaching through the Student Led Abertay Students Association Awards.

I have been involved in numerous media projects examining the recent economic history of Dundee and employment in multi-national companies.  I was part of the production team for the BBC documentary series ‘Power to the People’, and have been involved in a number of radio productions including guesting on a documentary for Radio Scotland hosted by Ricky Ross.

Prior to teaching, I was employed by an American Multi-National Enterprise as a robotics technician.

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Teaching I am involved in:

The nature of business and sustainability

Organisations and Transformation

The Future of Work

International Management Skills and Challenges

MSc International HRM: International Employee Relations.

Summer School


My research has evolved over the period of my employment at Abertay. Below are examples of my research interests:

The process of change within Polish manufacturing companies pre accession to the EU, from a New Institutional Theory perspective

The Psychological Contract as a construct for understanding employee motivations at work

Industrial relations and the legislative programme of the 1990s

Social identity and professionals in clinical practice.

Change Management. I am currently engaged in two research initiatives: The perceptions of managers of the post-2008 financial crisis in Greece.  Labour history and Timex Corporation in Dundee.

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Currently working with the Angus Volunteer Academy in the establishment of an Innovation Centre which would involve DBS students as mentors to young people experiencing various forms of social exclusion. 

Strategic Planning Advisor to The Brittle Bones Society 

Innovation Associate Perth and Kinross Council


2010 - 2012 Member of the strategic dialogue group of North African and UK energy companies the MOU


2014 – 15: Strategic Planning Advisor to the UK charity ‘Brittle Bones Society’.  This involved advising the CEO on current and future strategies of the charity, its communications and finance plans and dissemination of best practice to key employees, trustees and volunteers.  Ongoing.

2014 - Present: Innovation Associate to Perth and Kinross Council

In May 2013 I was invited to join the Scottish Leader Forum on Employee Engagement.  My role included the development of a conceptual Framework for Employee Engagement in Scottish Public Sector organisations

Employee Engagement in Scottish Public Sector: Joint project with Investors in People Scotland, Perth and Kinross Council, and the Scottish Leaders Forum

Employee Engagement in Scottish Public Sector Organisations.  Contributor to the Employee Engagement work stream of the Scottish Leaders Forum: (ongoing)

September 2013:  Employee Engagement a Conceptual Framework.  Presentation to the Permanent Secretary of the Scottish Government 

2004 - 2006: ‘Power to the People’: Advisor to BBC Scotland and participant in the production of a series of Scottish Labour History programmes.


2005: Radio Scotland interview commenting on the ethical arguments surrounding the Scottish Executive decision to restrict ‘junk food’ advertising.

2006: Comment on the role of business ethics in business school curriculum. Scotsman Newspaper

2006: Consultant and participant: ‘Power to the People’ on the future for Scottish trade unions. BBC Scotland

2007: Comment on the announcement of 650 redundancies at NCR. Dundee Courier and advertiser

2007: Comment on the announcement of 650 redundancies at NCR. Sunday Post

2008: Interview on the closure of Lomax Engineering Dundee. Scottish Television

2009: March, BBC Radio Scotland interview ‘The Business Programme’ on the future of Dundee after NCR

2009:  March, BBC Radio Scotland interview ‘Newsweek’ on the re-emergence of collective forms of industrial action

Knowledge Exchange

Project Lead: Innovation for Global Growth

The Innovation for Global Growth project in DBS is concerned with knowledge co-creation which involves students and some of Scotland's leading employers in activities designed to provide innovative solutions to business problems. Client companies have included: Heineken, Michelin, NCR, Atlas- Copco, Stoneridge, Tolkheim, Harris Tweed, Royal Bank of Scotland, Enterprise and Thorntons. Public sector organisations included the NHS Blood Transfusion Service and Perth and Kinross Council. The project is supported by Scottish Enterprise, CEED, and SCDI.

My role is as coordinator and industry engagement and event organiser. 



Currently working with the Angus Volunteer Academy in the establishment of an Innovation Centre which would involve DBS students as mentors to young people experiencing various forms of social exclusion. 

Strategic Planning Advisor to The Brittle Bones Society 

Innovation Associate Perth and Kinross Council


2010 - 2012 Member of the strategic dialogue group of North African and UK energy companies the MOU

Meet the rest of the team

Mr Alan Thompson

Mr Alan Thompson

Division of Accounting Business and Management | Lecturer

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Dr Gayathri Gunatilake

Dr Gayathri Gunatilake

Division of Accounting Business and Management | Lecturer

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