Ben Peake

Creating Believable Science Fiction Vehicle Design for Film

The project explores how believability can be achieved within a science fiction vehicle design. To this end, the main theme of the relationship between form i.e. how something looks, functions and operates, drives the project's development. This core theme is informed by the needs of the environment and narrative the design is set within, but is also informed by relevant design theories, real world machinery/vehicles and aspects of nature such as sea life. Following the theme of form and function, an amphibious mountain climbing vehicle is developed and showcased in the form of final images.

Project info

  • Developer Ben Peake
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Arts

Creating Believable Science Fiction Vehicle Design for Film

The project looks at how a believable science fiction vehicle can be created within the fictional context of the narrative and the environment it is set within.

Project Motivation

I was motivated to develop this project because I wanted to improve my design skills, but mainly, to create science-fiction designs which weren't just cool and amazing to look at, but also had some sort of meaning and purpose in a film or game.

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Ben Peake

Pause carousel

Play carousel