Diana Grigorescu

Bursting At The Seams: A Zine About Femininity


Bursting at the Seams explores the concept of femininity, perceived ugliness and gender norms as a zine. Using this versatile format, a collection of quotes are illustrated in 2D, 3D, photo and collage art, turning messy digital corruption into tangible, physical print. The illustrated narrative flows in 3 parts: first one being anger and hurt, second being grief, apathy and trauma processing, ending with love, acceptance and forgiveness. Taking the reader along with it, the narrative enables a reconsidering of the text contextualized with the illustrations, at times becoming almost interactive. The project aims to push back against a large context of misogyny, mental illness, gender identity and societal norms, all rather heavy topics, as a DIY piece of punk ephemera: vibrant, punchy, art medley.

Project info

  • Developer Diana Grigorescu
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Arts

Bursting At The Seams

Bursting at the Seams explores the concept of femininity, ugliness and gender norms as a zine: illustrating a narrative in 2D, 3D, photography and collage.

Project Motivation

I had some personal experiences that left me craving social change; just like many zinesters before me, I have a lot of thoughts I felt I could best share through my art. I've also published a zine before and it was an amazing experience, so making the next one felt natural.

Diana Grigorescu

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