Geneva Johnston

Little Nightmares DLC: A Morsel of Entertainers


This project features concept art including character, environment and prop designs. These could be used by an art team to develop assets for a DLC or expansions to the Little Nightmares series. These designs are inspired by circus shows, attractions and their performers, but seen through the lens of a child to fit into a horror genre. Little Nightmares explores childhood fears through its environments and villains. This project carries on this theme by drawing its main inspiration from another childhood fear of clowns.

Project info

  • Developer Geneva Johnston
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Arts

Little Nightmares DLC: A Morsel of Entertainers

I have created concepts for a DLC based on Tarsier Studios’ game 'Little Nightmares'. This horror DLC is based on the theme of circuses.


"Little Nightmares DLC: A Morsel of Entertainers" is a 2022 Digital Graduate Show project by Geneva Johnston, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

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Geneva Johnston

Pause carousel

Play carousel