Seamus Ross

Exploring Thematic Aesthetics and Mechanics in Board Game Design and Development

This project focuses on the process of designing and developing an original board game, from ideation to final product. The aim is to explore the creative process of board game design and development, including factors that influence gameplay mechanics and visual aesthetics. Specifically, the project aims to examine the relationship between theme and gameplay/art design in games. The design process involves creating an original board game that incorporates these elements and explores how a Lovecraftian inspired horror theme can influence gameplay design, mechanics, art and visual aesthetics. Overall, this project seeks to provide insights into the creative and technical aspects of board game development, with a particular focus on the relationship between thematic elements and the overall gameplay experience.

Project info

  • Developer Seamus Ross
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Computer Arts

Exploring Thematic Aesthetics and Mechanics in Board Game Design and Development

This project aims to explore the relationship between theme, game mechanics and visual design through the creation of a horror-inspired board game.


'Exploring Thematic Aesthetics and Mechanics in Board Game Design and Development' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Seamus Ross, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

The main motivation behind this project was a passion for board games and card games and a desire to explore the creative process behind creating one from scratch. As someone who enjoys role-playing games I wanted to make my own take on a board game using many different elements from games I have loved over the years like Pillars of Eternity, Monster Hunter, Disco Elysium and many more. I was also curious about what goes into creating a successful game, from initial concept and theme to the mechanics and visual design. Additionally I’ve always had a love for darker themes and tones in stories and eldritch horror Lovecraftian inspired themes and visuals have always fascinated me. To that end I wanted to design my board game around this as I find it interesting both visually but also how it could be used to change or enhance gameplay mechanics. By undertaking this project I hope to gain a wider understanding of the multiple disciplines required to create something like a board game so that I can take those skills into future projects beyond this.

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Seamus Ross

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