Abertay University Archives

Dundee Technical College Graduation showing a Graduand being capped 1967

Welcome to Abertay University Archives

Access to the Archives is currently limited. Please contact us at archives@abertay.ac.uk about your query and we will try to help as much as we can.

We collect and preserve the historical records of the University, and other archive collections of historical significance that relate to the University and its objectives.
The archives are free to use and open to everyone - members of the public, students, alumni and staff. People visit for all sorts of reasons: academic research, family history, local history, and even to inspire creative projects.

If you'd like to donate collections or memories to be held in trust by the Archives Service you can do this at our Archives Submission Page

Please explore the archive in the pages and image gallery below. 

What's New

NEW Abertay 25+ We're building on the legacy of Abertay 25, and have provided resources for developing your own project with our archives. Find out more information.   

NEW "You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Shows - Listen to a unique record of the life and work of the Dundee Institute of Technology made in 1993.

Abertay 25 Showcase - A showcase of the Abertay 25 project helping the Dundee community explore its rich history through the University archives. 

Highlights of Our Archives - see more items from our collections and find out the stories behind them. 

Our Heritage - Find out about our history, illustrated through items from our archive collections. 

Archive Catalogue - our searchable list of archives is a continuing work in progress, and can be accessed in our Archive Catalogue. You can also find an overview in the summary of our collections

Find out more about what we do, and how to book an appointment.

Our Records

Records and collections relating to the University and its predecessor institutions going back to 1887.

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Donating Collections

How to donate collections to the University Archive.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Staff and Students 1954

Visiting the Archives

How to arrange an appointment to visit our unique Archive collection.

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Contact the Archives

How to contact the University Archives.

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Explore the Archives

A Factory In Miniature: Abertay University and Jute Training, 1889-1984  Our first exhibition uses our archives and those of The Verdant Works Museum to explore our history with jute training from its small beginnings in 1889 until the closure of our Textiles Department in 1984. Find out more here.

Archivist's Blog: Annie Keir Lamont and Emergence Annie Lamont was a former student at Abertay who went on to become a prominent Dundee politician. Our Archivist explores her life and the message she left for the future. Find out more here.  

Archivist's Blog: Abertay and Nursing Our Archivist delves into our history with developing Scotland's first science-based nursing degree. Find out more here.

Archives Colouring Activity The archive collections include a 1907 art nouveau style design for tiles in what is now Old College on Bell Street. The design has been turned into a  colouring activity that you can download here.

Abertay 25 Plaque Design Competition You can find information and guidance on designing a plaque for our First of the Firsts competition here.

Archivist's Blog: The Day The Sex Pistols Played in Dundee  Our Archivist discovers some "anarchy in the archives" as he delves into our history of inviting up and coming bands to play here. Find out more here

Archivist's Blog: First World War Heroes of Abertay For Armistice Day 2019 our Archivist looked into the lives of some former staff and students who fought and died during the First World War. Find out more here

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