Civic Engagement @ Abertay

Find out how we work to make a positive difference to our communities and discover how to get involved.

Working to make a difference

Here at Abertay we are passionate about civic engagement, which means we work to make a positive difference to our communities.

This happens in many different ways. A recent survey showed that the breadth of civic engagement here at Abertay is very wide. We want to support our staff and students to help make that difference happen using their skills, experience, values and motivation.

So, we have given every staff member at Abertay a day off each year to support Volunteering activities. 

If you're not involved already, why not contact one of the organisations listed below and get started?

How to get involved

From September 2023, staff can to take one day (or two half days) off each year to support an organisation of your choice. You'll book this just like annual leave, and could coordinate your day off with colleagues so you all work together.

See the intranet page for full details about the Volunteering Day Scheme

Who can I support?

Here are just a few of the great causes, projects and initiatives our staff and students work with, along with ones we have been asked to support. We hope these suggestions will inspire you!

Please contact them directly to get involved or to find out more.

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Angus Remembers

This is a project creating memorials for the pandemic, and collecting a record of the area's experience. This is designed to act as a legacy, providing a community memory resource for future reflection and learning going forward.



Category: General Community

Archie Foundation

The Archie Foundation helps children (and their families) with healthcare and/or bereavement support needs across Dundee, Angus, & Perthshire. We do this by working in partnership with the NHS, the education sector and with other child development and childcare professionals.  


Tel: 01224 559559


Category: Youth support.

Children's Hearings Scotland

Our volunteer roles are Panel Members and Area Support Team (AST) members. Panel Members make legal decisions with, and for, children and young people in children’s hearings, and AST members provide support and guidance to those Panel Members locally. Sometimes called the Children’s Panel.



Category: Community Support (youth)


Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (CARF)

CARF provides free information and advice on a wide range of subjects. CARF also offers specialised services in welfare benefits, debt and money advice, but also provides support to clients across a range of other topics such as employment rights, consumer issues, relationship issues, housing, legal rights, discrimination, tax, healthcare and education.


Email contact: 

Category: General/specialist advice (Fife).

Dundee Bairns

Working hard to benefit children in Dundee, addressing inequality in basic needs such as food, clothing and stimulating activity. 



Category: Youth support.


Dundee Carers Centre

Providing information and support services for carers and disabled people in Dundee.  Promote and uphold rights.  Empowering and working collectively to develop new services. 



Category: Community Support.

Girlguiding Dundee

Girlguiding helps all girls understand they can do anything. Through fun, friendships, challenge and adventure we inspire girls to discover and become their best.  



Category: Youth work.

Guide Dogs

Foster a guide dog in training. You will work with people with sight loss of all ages to enable them to live their lives to the fullest.



Category: Disability support.

MCR Pathways

Our aim is to help young people unlock their potential, no matter their circumstances. Working together with our inspiring mentor community and partners, we can help young people to realise their skills and progress onto a positive destination. 

Volunteer mentor opportunities are available in 9 secondary schools in Dundee.



Category: Youth support

Terrance Higgins Trust Dundee

The Terrence Higgins Trust provides support and advice for people affected by HIV, to help them live well with long term health conditions. Sexual health promotion activities / campaigns and STI testing is preventative work on stopping transmission /end new cases by 2030. Tackling stigma and discrimination. World AIDS day – on 1 December each year.

Website: Dundee - Terrence Higgins Trust

Main - Terrence Higgins Trust


Category: Public health.

Uppertinity (Gardening at Dudhope Castle)

Uppertinity is a charity, working with people (16+) with learning disabilities. They work with individuals to help them with self-worth and independence through creative workshops, mentoring, skill development programme, group and community work. 

Their Growing Places project is about developing Dudhope Castle gardens into a
thriving therapy and sensory space, as well as create social opportunities. They have various gardening activities for all levels.

Website: Uppertinity

Volunteering Gardening Days Schedule


Category: Community Support (Gardening).

Volunteering Organisations

Volunteer with one of these projects or with any one of the hundreds of organisations who advertise their volunteering opportunities with them.

Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action

Perth and Kinross Association of Voluntary Service

Voluntary Action Angus

Fife Voluntary Action

Our Civic Ambitions

Our ambitions are:

  • For our Staff and Students to be embedded at the heart of our communities.

  • To create economic, social, and cultural influence and impact.

  • To continue to lead and champion widening access, supporting students from diverse backgrounds to realise their potential.

  • To continue to engage with industry, supporting regional ambitions.

  • To support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

About our Civic Engagement Strategy

Our staff and students engage in a very wide range of outreach community activities. This is either through their work - particularly academic research and enhancing teaching practice through community engagement - or through personal motivation. 

We want to extend this further so we have a Civic Engagement strategy developed in consultation with staff. It sets out our current and potential role in civic engagement and provides a strategic framework and recommended actions.

Find out more about our Civic Engagement strategy.

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Abertay implements Sustainable Travel Policy 

Ambitious Sustainable Travel Policy designed to reduce carbon emissions 

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