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The BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 requires Scottish Higher Education Institutions to publish British Sign Language plans (in BSL and English) every six years, setting out how they will promote and support students who use BSL as their first, or preferred, language (including in its tactile form) with a clear measurable commitment to improvement associated with the BSL National Plan by the Scottish Government.
The Abertay University BSL Plan follows the BSL National Plan, published 24 October 2017, developed through extensive engagement with Deaf and Deafblind BSL users and those who work with them. It is framed around the same long-term goals as the BSL National Plan, where these are relevant to the overall context within which University works.
The aim of the plan is to:
In doing so the University commits to supporting BSL, including in its tactile form.
To date the University has gathered views from local BSL users and local and national bodies. The lessons learned through these consultations have shaped our draft British Sign Language Plan.
The University is committed to continued engagement around a) implementing actions and b) providing feedback on progress, including contributing to a national progress report in 2026.
The draft plan outlined below is a ‘work-in-progress’ which will be developed further in consultation with the BSL community and university BSL working group. A number of the actions are intended to support the University to better understand the BSL community and the community’s needs in order to enhance support and remove barriers to BSL users engaging with the University as staff, students and visitors.
An accompanying operational plan will detail how the aims and objectives will be met including specific priorities and timescales. The university BSL working group will assist in ensuring the aims of the main plan are met, monitored, and completed.
The university BSL working group will have the following service areas: PS, ASA, SAcS, ECR, Schools, FICS and BSL students where possible.
Mr Richard Ogston, Student Services Manager
British Sign Language (BSL) users: contactSCOTLAND-BSL
The BSL version of this plan can be found at: TO COME
'Across the Scottish public sector, information and services will be accessible to BSL users.'
By 2029, we will:
1. Analyse existing evidence we have about students, staff, prospective students and prospective staff who use BSL in our university; identify and fill key information gaps so that we can establish baselines and measure our progress [BSL National Plan, action 2 [2018-2024]].
We will do this by:
2. Improve information and services for students and prospective students who use BSL, including making our website more accessible to BSL users [BSL National Plan, action 3,4[2018-2024]].
We will do this by:
3. Promote the use of the Scottish Government’s nationally funded BSL online interpreting video relay services called ‘contactSCOTLAND-BSL’, which allows BSL users to contact public and their sector services and for these services to contact them [BSL National Plan, action 5 [2018-2024]].
We will do this by:
4. Signpost staff, who work with BSL users, to appropriate BSL awareness training and enable them to take up such training [BSL National Plan, action 6 [2018-2024]].
We will do this by:
'BSL users will be able to maximise their potential at school, will be supported to transition to post-school education if they wish to do so, and will receive the support they need to do well in their chosen subject(s).'
By 2029, we will:
1. Ensure that students and prospective students who use BSL are properly supported [BSL National Plan, action 25 [2018-2024]].
We will do this by:
2. Respond to guidance/advice produced by the SFC and others to ensure that across the University staff are aware of their responsibilities towards BSL users [BSL National Plan, action 26 [2018-2024]].
We will do this by:
3. Commit to reviewing/refreshing this plan and to include more ‘local’ actions (based on feedback) after the national progress report (due 2026) [BSL National Plan, action 26 [2018-2024]].
We will do this by:
4. Provide assistance to students who use BSL to assist in completing SAAS application forms [BSL National Plan, action 26 [2018-2024]].
We will do this by:
'BSL users will be supported to develop the skills they need to become valued members of the Scottish workforce, so that they can fulfil their potential, and improve Scotland’s economic performance. They will be provided with support to enable them to progress in their chosen career.' [BSL National Plan: Training, Work and Social Security [2018-2024]]
By 2029, we will:
1. Raise awareness of the UK Government’s ‘Access to Work’ scheme for students who use BSL towards the end of their course so that they can benefit from the support it provides when they enter the world of work.
We will do this by:
2. Improve information and services for job applicants who use BSL, including making our website and key information more accessible to BSL users.
We will do this by:
'BSL users will have access to the information and services they need to live active, healthy lives, and to make informed choices at every stage of their lives.' [BSL National Plan: Health (including social care), Mental Health and Wellbeing [2018-2024]].
By 2029, we will:
1. Investigate how the University can make its Advice, Counselling and Mental Health, Careers Services and Sports and exercise provision accessible to students who use BSL.
We will do this by:
'BSL users will have safe, fair and inclusive access to public transport and the systems that support all transport use in Scotland.' [BSL National Plan: Transport 2018-2024]].
By 2029, we will:
1. Identify how the University can work with local transport providers to ensure that travel information is accessible and well-publicised.
We will do this by:
'BSL users will have full access to the cultural life of Scotland, an equal opportunity to enjoy and contribute to culture and the arts, and are encouraged to share BSL and Deaf Culture with the people of Scotland.' [BSL National Plan: Culture and the Arts [2018-2024]].
By 2029, we will:
1. Explore how to make extracurricular/recreational activities offered within the institution are accessible to students who use BSL.
We will do this by:
2. Explore how to make events/activities offered or hosted within the institution are accessible to those who use BSL.
We will do this by:
'BSL users will have fair and equal access to the civil, criminal and juvenile justice systems in Scotland.' [National Plan: Justice [2018-2024]]
By 2029, we will:
1. Support students who use BSL through disciplinary meetings.
We will do this by:
'BSL users will be fully involved in democratic and public life in Scotland, as active and informed citizens, as voters, as elected politicians and as board members of our public bodies.'
By 2029, we will:
1. Investigate with Abertay SA how they can make their elections and class rep system accessible for BSL users.
We will do this by:
2. University Court will investigate how members of the BSL community can participate and contribute to the governance of the University.
We will do this by:
Abertay University has a BSL working group that will meet on an annual basis to review progress of the actions outlined in the University action plan.
In the third year of the University BSL plan (2025-26) a more in-depth review of progress with be carried out. In year six of the University BSL plan (2024-29), a full review the first plan will be conducted and consultation with being on the next one. This cycle of review and renewal will continue into future plans.
Please contact the University lead officer if you would like to continue to be involved as the plan is developed over the coming years.
BSL University lead officer
Mr Richard Ogston, Student Services Manager
British Sign Language (BSL) users: contactSCOTLAND-BSL