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The Scottish Government's Open Data Resource Pack refers to existing information legislation, and it adds that the Scottish Government's Open Data Strategy is part of a wider initiative which has been designed to get "public sector organisations across Europe releasing their data on a regular basis." [page 4]. Universities are encouraged to make available open data, although the Strategy also states that "..the Open Data Strategy encourages the proactive release of data in a manner currently beyond that required by legislation". [page 4].
Universities are therefore not generally required, under current information legislation, to participate in the Government's Open Data initiative. Abertay University does, however, participate in making data available where possible, in particular where this is consistent with legislation and its policies, procedures, strategy, and the conditions of research or other funding.
Information about the University's outreach and public engagement network is available here. The University's Research and Knowledge Exchange Strategy is available here.
For further information about the University's research activities and open data, please visit the University's Research pages.
Open access information about the University's Research Networks and Infrastructure is available here.
There is also a page for Abertay Research Collections available here. This is an open access institutional repository for Abertay University.
Open data about the Research Excellence Framework is available here.
A considerable amount of information about the University, and its role and work, has been published in this Publication Scheme, and the University's Guide to Information is available here. This explains what information the University has published, how to access it, and where conditions or costs apply.
Information resources, including details about the Bernard King Library and its resources, is available here.
Open access information about the University's teaching quality is published in the University's Publication Scheme. The page also includes a link to National Student Survey data.
A considerable amount of information on statutory reports and on student admission, progression and completion is available via the University's Publication Scheme page, which also includes the availability (via the Higher Education Statistics Agency's website) of a considerable diversity of statistical data contained in spreadsheets, much of which is available free of charge to download from HESA. This information relates to Abertay University and also to all other UK Higher Education institutions: generally, HESA provides an excellent source of statistical data with robust collection and reporting methodologies and consistency, facilitating cross-sectoral comparisons and data analysis.
You can find the Unistats website here.
The Higher Education Statistics Agency's webpage is available here. HESA provides a wide variety of statistics about higher education, including the Unistats dataset and others, available in both XML and multiple CSV files.
The Scottish Funding Council's Publications & Statistics page is available here.
The Scottish Government has published a range of statistics, including Lifelong Learning (which includes higher and further education).