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This category covers information relating to the way the institution is governed and how decisions are made. It includes information on the legal status of the institution, which individual member of staff or group within the organisation is responsible for specific functions and where they fit in the overall structure of the organisation.
Access to online information is free. For other costs, please see the Publication Scheme page containing the University's charging policy.
Information on how the institution was established and its standing from a legal perspective.
The University’s constitutional document is 'The Abertay University (Scotland) Order of Council 2019' which came into force on 1 September 2019, replacing the previous order ‘The University of Abertay Dundee (Scotland) Order of Council 1994’ and updating our name to Abertay University.
The institution's governance structures and related operational procedures.
The University's governance structures are set out in The Abertay University (Scotland) Order of Council 2019, which also sets out arrangements for the appointment of members to those bodies.
Information on the University Court, the Governing Body of the University is available on our website.
Court is made up of a maximum of 25 members, including independent members, ex-officio members and staff, and student members. Independent members remain an absolute majority. Court meets at least five times each year.
Otherwise, information requests should be directed to the contact details below:
Freedom of Information, Governance Office, Abertay University, Bell Street, Dundee, Scotland DD1 1HG
Telephone: 01382 308000
The institution's arrangements for compliance with good governance precepts.
All Boards and Governing bodies should regularly review their effectiveness, and the Scottish Code of Good HE Governance requires the Courts of universities to do so annually, and, in that context, both to measure compliance with the Code and performance against Court’s Statement of Primary Responsibilities. Information on Reviewing the Effectiveness of Court is available on our website.
The University's Strategic Plan includes information on performance indicators and is available from the University's Corporate Information page. For further information about this and other Universities, please visit these pages: Scottish Funding Council; Higher Education Statistics Agency; and Quality Assurance Agency for Scotland.
The University's policy on events with external speakers is available below.
Abertay University Policy and Procedures on events with external speakers
Otherwise, please request information to the contact details above.
The institution's conflict of interests and other policies.
Please visit the pages about the University Court and about working at Abertay University.
The University's Financial Regulations are available in section 4 of 8.4 Financial Resources.
Institutional register of interests for members of the governing body.
All members of Court are required to submit a Register of Interests which is reviewed annually. This information is available on each member of Court on the Members of Court pages on our website.
A description of the institution's major organisational units and how these relate to each other.
Please visit the pages on Management and structure and the pages for the University Court.
Visit this page for the senior management and organisational structure.
In addition, please visit the relevant Faculty or Graduate School.
The activities of major committees with devolved decision-making powers.
Information relating to the University Court and the Committees of Court is available on our website.
Otherwise, information relating to other major committees can be requested by directing an information request to the contact details above. However, please note that personal data (and possibly other information) may need to be redacted from these documents, so it may take some time to respond to a request.
The legal and structural basis of the institution's relationship with its General Council (or similar statutory bodies representing its graduates).
Abertay University does not have a General Council (or analogous body) within its governance structure.
Information on the operation and activities of the General Council.
Abertay University does not have a General Council (or analogous body) within its governance structure.
Information on the names, addresses, broad functions and purposes of companies where the institution is a majority shareholder.
The University owns the following subsidiary companies.
Please click on each link below to find out about the categories of information which the Scottish Information Commissioner requires, under the Model Publication Scheme, to be published.
The information which the University has published about these companies (which are dormant) is available here: Abertay University-owned Companies.
Policies, procedures and awards of honorary degrees.
Meet our Honorary Graduates and Honorary Fellows
For news and information about graduation, please visit the page for News and Events.
Other information regarding Graduation including upcoming dates is available our website.