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The Health and Safety Sub-Committee is a sub-committee of the People, Health and Equality Committee. It is chaired by the Director of People and Organisational Development, or in their absence, the Director of Finance, Infrastructure and Corporate Services.
The Health and Safety Sub-Committee advises the People, Health and Equality Committee on matters of Health and Safety and reports annually to Court on such activities.
Such powers delegated to the Committee by Court are as defined in the Scheme of Delegation. The Committee shall have full authority to undertake and review activities associated with any matters within its terms of reference. For the purposes of such activities, it shall be provided with adequate resources and full access to information and University personnel.
The Health and Safety Sub-Committee reports to the People, Health, and Equality Committee, which in turn reports to the governing body, Court.
The Committee will therefore report through a paper relating to any substantive matters for consideration and through the submission of the minutes (these can include unapproved minutes agreed with the Committee Chair) of each meeting to the next available meeting of People, Health, and Equality Committee. The Committee Chair will provide a brief report to the People, Health and Equality Committee highlighting items to recommend to Court to formally approve and/or note.
To keep under review all matters involving the health and safety of staff (including occupational health), students and other persons within the University environment and in particular to:
(a) oversee the link with the appropriate inspectors of an enforcing authority e.g. the Health and Safety Executive;
(b) consider reports and information submitted by inspectors appointed by an enforcing authority in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and as specified by the Health & Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1959 or other legislation;
(c) consider the Annual Health and Safety report prior to submission to the People, Health and Equality Committee and thereafter Court for approval.
(d) consider reports and information relating to fire safety, including regular reports on progress with identified action plans to maintain/improve fire safety.
(e) consider safety audit reports and, where appropriate, to report thereon to People, Health, and Equality Committee and/or instigate corrective action;
(f) consider reports submitted by Local Health and Safety Committees or safety representatives and take any action considered appropriate in the circumstances of the case;
(g) give consideration to environmental matters (such as waste disposal) where these have safety implications and to instigate and monitor such action as is required under statute or is otherwise necessary to manage the same;
(h) advise on the development of, and ensure adherence to, policies, codes of practice, safety rules and safe and healthy systems of work;
(i) advise on drawing up, reviewing, implementing and monitoring Faculty/Office/Service health and safety documentation and to approve the same;
(j) monitor the effectiveness of the health and safety content of employees’ training and advise the People, Health and Equality Committee on training requirements in the area of health and safety;
(k) monitor the adequacy of communications and publicity regarding health and safety in the workplace;
(l) establish appropriate working groups or sub-committees from time to time as necessary to consider issues or deal with matters within the Committee's
(m) take such other actions as are required by People, Health and Equality Committee and Court in relation to the maintenance of health and safety within the University.
(n) To ensure it pays due attention to equality, diversity and inclusion in undertaking its work.
The expectation is that every Faculty, Office and Service is represented at each meeting. Representation should normally be at the level of Dean of Faculty or Director of Service, but substitutes are accepted†.
Staff member of Court (excluding those where there is a clear conflict of interest)
Ex Officio:
Director of People & Organisational Development (Chair)
Director of Finance, Infrastructure and Corporate Services (Vice-Chair)
Director of Student and Academic Services
Vice-Principal and University Secretary
Deans (excluding the Dean of Enterprise and Commercialisation)
Chief Estates Officer
Health & Safety Manager
Occupational Health Adviser
Chief Executive of the Students’ Association
Technical Team Leader
Advisory Service Manager
*Chair and Deputy Chair of Local Health and Safety Committees†
UCU representative: 1
UNITE representatives: 2
In Attendance
Health and Safety representatives and other relevant staff roles including:
Radiation Protection Supervisor
Biological Safety Officer
Hazardous Substances Adviser
Non-members may be invited to attend meetings at the discretion of the Chair to contribute expertise to specific agenda items.
Members of the People, Health and Equality Committee may be invited to attend to observe the meeting.
Secretary to the Health and Safety Sub-Committee
Head of Governance and Deputy Secretary or their nominee
Clerk to the Health and Safety Sub-Committee
Governance and Policy Officer (Minute Secretary) or their nominee.
The Committee will meet a minimum of four times per academic year.
Extraordinary meetings will be convened as appropriate.
A majority of members (50% plus 1)* must be present.
*individuals who are a member of the committee due to their substantive position count once towards the quorum.
The terms of reference shall be reviewed by the People, Health and Equality Committee at least every three years.
Approved by People, Health and Equality Committee, 7 May 2024
Appointed Members:
Eilidh Fraser – Chair
Andrew Menzies – Vice-Chair
Thomas Sloan - Staff Member of Court
James Nicholson – Director of Student and Academic Services
Caroline Summers – Vice-Principal and University Secretary
Professor James Bown - Dean of the Faculty of Design, Informatics and Business
Andrea Cameron – Dean of the Faculty of Social and Applied Science
Claire MacEachen – Dean of International and UK Partnerships
Professor Luke Millard – Dean of AbLE Academy
Professor Nia White – Dean of Graduate School and Head of Research
Cullen Warnock – Chief Estates Officer
Ian Wilson – Health & Safety Manager
Sharon Jeffrey – Occupational Health Adviser
Elley Petrie – Chief Executive of the Students’ Association
Angus Jackson – Technical Team Leader
Hazel Petrie – Advisory Service Manager
Gordon Cringle – Chair of Local Health and Safety Committee (People, Planning and External Relations)
Dr Ian Ferguson - Chair of Local Health and Safety Committee (Faculty of Design, Informatics and Business)
Frazer Greig – Deputy-Chair of Local Health and Safety Committee (Finance, Infrastructure and Corporate Services)
Jim Huntingford – Chair of Local Health and Safety Committee (Student and Academic Services)
Dr Donncha Marron – UCU representative
Tom O'Brien – Co-UNITE representative
Roy Henderson – Co-UNITE representative
Colin Rae – UNITE representative
Angus Jackson – Hazardous Substances Adviser (SAS) and Radiation Protection Supervisor
Dr Ian Ferguson – Health and Safety representative for the Department of Cybersecurity and Computing (Faculty of Design, Informatics and Business)
Gerald High – Faculty of Design, Informatics and Business Technician
Secretary to the Health and Safety Sub-Committee
Dr Dianne Peden - Head of Governance and Deputy Secretary
Clerk to the Health and Safety Sub-Committee
Vanessa Kind – Governance and Policy Officer (Minute Secretary)
If you would like a copy of the Committee Terms of Reference and Composition in another format, please email