Remuneration Committee


Such powers delegated to the Committee by Court are as defined in the Scheme of Delegation.  The Committee shall have full authority to undertake and review activities associated with any matters within its terms of reference.  For the purposes of such activities, it shall be provided with adequate resources and full access to information and University personnel.

Reports to:

The Committee reports to the governing body, the University Court.  The Committee will therefore report through a paper relating to any substantive matters for consideration and through the submission of the minutes (these can include unapproved minutes agreed with the Committee Chair) of each meeting to the next available meeting of Court and the Committee Chair will provide a brief report highlighting items for Court to formally approve and/or note.


To consider and determine the levels of salary and conditions of service (including severance arrangements if appropriate) of the members of the Executive Group

To decide the principles for determining the salaries of all other University staff whose salaries are in the discretionary range above the nationally determined salary scale.

To ensure it pays due attention to equality, diversity and inclusion in undertaking its work.



Chair of Court

Vice-Chair of Court

Chair of the Finance & Corporate Performance Committee

Two other lay members of Court (excluding the Chair of Audit & Risk Committee)

One Staff member of Court (excluding those where there is clear conflict of interest)

One Student member of Court[1]

[1] By the 1st September each year, the student governors will agree which of them will be members of which committee of Court, with a view to ensuring that there is an equitable share of membership across the committees on which student members sit.

In attendance

The Principal & Vice-Chancellor (when the salary and conditions of service of the Principal are not the subject of discussion)

Director of People & Organisational Development (as and when professional advice is required)


Vice-Principal (Strategy & Governance) and University Secretary (except when their salary and conditions of service are being discussed)


Normally all members, but exceptionally at least 5 members (to include Chair or Vice-Chair).


The Committee will meet a minimum of two times per academic session.

Approved by Court 15 February 2023

Current Composition

Appointed Members

Fraser Keir- Chair

Dr Scott Cameron

Liv Morgan

Professor Edith Sim


David Brew – Chair of Court

Heather Dunk – Vice-Chair of Court

Antony Marks – Chair of the Finance and Corporate Performance Committee

In Attendance

Professor Liz Bacon – Principal and Vice-Chancellor

Eilidh Fraser – Director of People and Organisational Development


Caroline Summers - Vice-Principal (Strategy & Governance) and University Secretary)

If you would like a copy of the Committee Terms of Reference and Composition in another format, please email

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