Andrew Menzies
Director of Finance, Infrastructure and Corporate Services


Andrew was appointed as Director of Finance, Infrastructure and Corporate Services in December 2024. In this role, Andrew acts as the University’s Chief Financial Officer, and is a member of the University's Executive group and Senior Management team, who share the strategic leadership of the University. 

Andrew leads the Finance, Infrastructure and Corporate Services (FICS) directorate, which brings together finance, IT and corporate information systems, estate development and sustainability, facilities management, and a range of corporate services including procurement, insurance and business continuity planning. 

A graduate of Abertay, Andrew’s breadth of experience in financial management and other corporate services has been gained in roles across higher education, central government, and the NHS.

Register of Interests

Paid Employment

Abertay University

Directorships etc.

University companies: Protoplay Limited and Dundee Business School Limited.

Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business


Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University


Significant Pecuniary Interests


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