Col Iain Davidson

Col Davidson is an Independent Member of Court.

Reason for joining Court

Giving back – I am incredibly grateful for the start that Abertay and the City of Dundee gave me in my career, and I want to help the University. It is a special place that makes extremely employable people and I want to help with that!


Lieutenant Colonel Iain Davidson attended the University of Abertay in Dundee after a false start and a year at college. Membership of Tayforth University Officer Training Corps in combination with his studies at Abertay, set the path for a career in Defence IT and Technology. With a civilian career as a Risk and Programme Manager in the IT sector, he is currently the Secure Cloud Security Assurance Manager with DXC Technology.

His time at Abertay nurtured a taste for life-long learning; he holds the IRM International Diploma in Risk Management and is an MBA. He has recently completed an MSc in Cyber Security. He is a Certified Fellow of the Institute of Risk Management, Fellow of the British Computing Society and is a Chartered Engineer, Certificant of the Business Continuity Institute and is a Member of the Project Management Institute, holding the Project Management Professional (PMP) and Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) qualifications and is Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) and Information Security Management (CISM).

Iain lives in Wormit with his daughter Greer and is a slow runner and fast skier, having just bought a project house he is practicing his DIY a lot. He spends any other spare time Scuba Diving, Munro bagging or watching Scotland play Rugby.

Register of Interests

Paid Employment

  • DXC Technology

  • Army Reserve

Directorships etc.

  • Treasurer – SCOTSAC Kelvin Divers

Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business


Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University


Significant Pecuniary Interests 


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