Kerith George-Briant

Kerith is a support staff member elected to Court by support staff.

Reason for joining Court

I stood for election as I believe in the importance of representation and amplifying voices that might not otherwise be heard. I also believe that checks and balances are essential and so definitely champion the work that the Court does. I also have to admit I love a good policy paper and the constructive discussion that usually follows.


Kerith joined Abertay University in March 2021 as a Learner Development Advisor and now manages the team.

Kerith has 21 years' experience of working in Higher Education both in South Korea and the UK, having previously worked in Romania as a secondary school teacher. 

Her key interests in terms of education are in building best practice in inclusivity, accessibility, and equity.

She has also been an early adopter of Generative AI, and is researching how this will develop in terms of assistive technologies for those with Specific Learning Difficulties.

Register of Interests

Paid Employment 

Abertay University

Reading University, External Examiner

Directorships etc. 


Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business 


Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University 


Significant Pecuniary Interests 


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