Professor Liz Bacon

Professor Liz Bacon is the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Abertay University.

As the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University I have a strong working relationship with Court and work with them closely to deliver the University Strategy. 


Professor Liz Bacon joined Abertay University in 2018 as Deputy Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, becoming Principal and Vice-Chancellor in May 2022. 

She is a former President of both the BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT, and EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education), as well as a past Chair of the BCS Academy of Computing and CPHC (Council of Professors and Heads of Computing), and in 2015 she was voted the 35th Most Influential Woman in UK IT. She is a current Trustee of Bletchley Park Trust and a Board member of V&A Dundee. 

A Professor of Computer Science at Abertay, Professor Bacon’s main research interests have focused on technology-enhanced, and immersive, learning. She is a regular worldwide speaker on a range of topics, including preparing staff and students for the fourth industrial revolution’s impact on teaching, learning and work, and improving diversity and participation in STEM, particularly among women and people from disadvantaged backgrounds.  

Throughout her career, she has worked to improve quality and standards in higher education, including a focus on degree accreditation standards in computer science both in the UK and internationally.  

Register of Interests

Paid Employment

Abertay University

Directorships etc.

  • Trustee and Director of Bletchley Park Trust  

  • Executive Member of EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education) 

  • Member of the V&A Dundee Board. 

Significant involvement with any organisation with which the University might do business


Position(s) of authority with any organisation(s) whose policies and decisions might be supposed to impact on the University


Significant Pecuniary Interests 


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