Faculty of Design, Informatics and Business

Faculty of Design, Informatics and Business

We give you the expertise, aptitude and confidence to succeed in your chosen field, be that in business or in the world of games and computing.

Our award-winning games and computing degrees, offered by the National Centre of Excellence for Computer Games Education in the Faculty of Design, Informatics and Business, are among the best in the world according to the prestigious Princeton Review

We educate our students to be the innovators and ground-breakers and build global change makers in Business, HR, Finance and Law.

We have strong links with industry and major companies. We are a founding partner of Sony’s PlayStation First education programme and nearly all of our courses are accredited. This makes our degrees current and relevant.

Our staff are leaders in their fields and involved in individual and collaborative research with national research projects and industry partners.

Our degrees are student-focused, well-grounded in evidence, and forward-looking. Our vision is to give you the confidence and capabilities to rise to the work challenges of the 21st Century.

Dean of Faculty

Professor James Bown

Faculty Departments

Department of Games Technology and Mathematics

The centre for degrees, research and knowledge in applied computer science, games technology and mathematics.

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Department of Games and Arts

Internationally recognised research and degrees in game design, computer games technology and computer arts.

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Department of Cybersecurity and Computing

The world-renowned teaching centre for ethical hacking and cybersecurity .

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Dundee Business School

We deliver world-class degrees in Accounting, Business, Marketing, Management, and Law. We prepare you for the world of work.

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ABERTAY NEWS18/03/2025

Abertay University ranked top International School for video games design

Princeton Review ranks undergraduate and postgraduate games programmes in glo...

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ABERTAY NEWS13/03/2025

Abertay University hosts UK's inaugural workshop on Ethical Hacking education

The UK’s first-ever workshop focused on training educators in ethical hacking...

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ABERTAY NEWS12/03/2025

Abertay secures £600K for AI-powered research in social sciences and humanities

Abertay University secures funding for AI-powered research in social sciences...

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ABERTAY NEWS07/03/2025

Record-breaking attendance at world's largest student cyber conference

The Abertay Ethical Hacking Society celebrated a milestone for the 13th editi...

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ABERTAY NEWS28/02/2025

NHS Scotland hosts special open day at Abertay’s cyberQuarter

Open day connects NHS staff with cybersecurity experts as part of Cyber Scotl...

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ABERTAY NEWS03/02/2025

Abertay launches Scotland's first ever Festival of Play for young creatives

Abertay will host a creative careers and computing conference for school pupi...

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ABERTAY NEWS25/01/2025

Abertay University brings international digital creativity conference to Dundee

xCoAx 2025 will be held at V&A Dundee and other venues over three days this s...

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ABERTAY NEWS23/01/2025

Abertay helps aviators of the future earn their wings using Virtual Reality

An Abertay University collaboration with the 1232 (City of Dundee) Squadron A...

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ABERTAY NEWS22/12/2024

Abertay students participate in world's leading cybersecurity conference

A group of cybersecurity students recently attended Black Hat Europe 2024 aft...

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ABERTAY NEWS10/12/2024

Abertay develops games that highlight the challenges women and girls face

Games developed at Abertay that explore the diverse aspects of the female liv...

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ABERTAY NEWS20/11/2024

Scottish premiere of ZX Spectrum documentary comes to Dundee

Abertay partners with filmmakers to support launch event

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ABERTAY NEWS15/11/2024

Visit to Bletchley Park for next generation of Ethical Hackers

Abertay cyber students visit home of codebreaking

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