The Whiskey Sauce Co Ltd

The Whiskey Sauce Company

The Whisky Sauce Company, a Dundee based company whose products are sold in outlets across the country, made the decision to withdraw the sauce because the ingredients kept separating and clogging the neck of the bottle. In Whisky Sauce Company’s case, this meant that all the fats from the butter and cream rose to the top and blocked the neck of the bottle so customers had to warm the bottle to melt the cream and butter before they could get it out. We experimented with their recipe and found that increasing the concentration and altering the characteristics of the one of the particular ingredients solved the problem. We also experimented with different high speed mixing techniques to offer the company a range of solutions within their budget and in line with the companies no artificial ingredients policy.

Speaking about the help they received from FIA, Ken Andrew, General Manager of Whisky Sauce Company Ltd, said: "We engaged the services of FIA in an attempt to resolve a long-standing problem with one of our most popular products that we'd withdrawn from the market. From the outset, we felt at ease working with FIA because they showed a real empathy for the problem and gave us a lot of confidence that they'd be able to find a solution for us".

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Whiskey Sauce

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