Keeping Abertay Safe

As a University community we are facing a significant challenge this year and it is vital we all work together to meet it.

We must commit to keeping ourselves and those around us safe, by following national guidelines throughout the year and engaging with all public health advice on Covid-19.

At Abertay, we pride ourselves on being a small, friendly and welcoming community, and it is more important than ever for all of us to live these values.

In joint agreement, Abertay University and the Abertay Students’ Association will therefore be asking all staff and students to sign up to our Responsibility & Respect pledge, look out for those around them and ensure we keep our campus safe.



As a member of the Abertay community I’m proud to follow the Responsibility & Respect pledge to keep myself and others safe. By signing up to this, I agree to:


  • Wear a face covering on campus in areas where it is needed and regularly wash and sanitise my hands

  • Practise physical distancing and follow the guidelines for getting around and using campus safely

  • Self-isolate immediately if I develop Covid-19 symptoms and follow Test & Protect procedures, always keeping myself up-to-date with national guidance

  • Follow the Covid-19 safety rules set out by my landlord or accommodation provider

  • Make sure the University has my latest address and contact details and register my attendance whenever I’m on campus

  • Have the courage to call out or report anything I don’t feel is right


  • Treat students, staff and the wider community with kindness and respect

  • Remember not everyone needs to, or can, wear a face covering

  • Provide support to friends or colleagues where I can, or signpost them to it

  • Look out for the mental health of those around me in classes, offices, halls or working from home

  • Recognise we are all navigating new ways of working and studying, and that changes may be needed

  • Encourage friends and colleagues to follow the Responsibility & Respect Pledge

#ResponsibilityRespect #TeamTay

Abertay University Logo, the Unite the Union Logo and the Abertay University Students Association logo.

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