MSc Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity

Practical Master's degree fully certified by the National Cyber Security Centre - part of GCHQ.

Course detail

Start Date



1 year (full-time); 2 years (part-time)

Award Title



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Programme Overview

Fully certified by the National Cybersecurity Centre - part of GCHQ - this Master's degree develops the skills and mind set needed to tackle the growing threat of computer hackers. Computer security is a growing concern for organisations of all sizes.

This Master's will put you in the ideal position to pursue a successful and often lucrative career. The industry is currently experiencing a major skills gap and global demand for ethical hackers. It’s not unusual for the salaries of our graduates to start at £35,000-£40,000. 


Adopt an offensive approach to cybersecurity

We’re the only university in the UK to offer a Masters programme in ethical hacking. We want to change the way you view cybersecurity to adopt an offensive approach. The best way to beat a hacker is to be able to think like one!  

Aimed at Computing/IT/Technology graduates, our MSc Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity covers a wide range of subjects, including penetration testing, digital forensics, information security management, Malware analysis, port scanning, buffer overflows and password cracking. Our research-active teaching staff are at the forefront of new developments, allowing the programme to evolve to cover the latest techniques and guidelines.

There are two modes of studying this degree. Full-time, on-campus over one year or, part-time  distance learning over two years. In recent years, full-time on-campus class sizes have been around 25. This allows for closer relationships with academic staff and fellow postgraduates. The part-time distance option offers a virtual lab for practical work and weekly online sessions to meet staff, fellow students and get help.

How the Course Works

You’ll learn how to evaluate the impact of security problems and recommend improvements to a network’s security within a legal and ethical framework. You’ll also conduct a master’s project within an area of cybersecurity that’ll allow you to build on your existing skills.

Full-time on campus students completing the degree in one year: The academic year consists of three terms with the masters project module completed in term 3.

Part-time distance learning students completing the degree in two years: Year 1 consists of two terms and Year 2 of three terms with the master project module completed in the final term.


This course is fully certified by GCHQ and accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, as meeting the educational requirement for CITP Further Learning and partially meeting the educational requirement for CEng/CSci registration.


Abertay is a Crest academic partner. CREST builds trust in the digital world by raising professional standards and delivering measurable quality assurance for the global cybersecurity industry.

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Lectures are used to present the key concepts, while practicals increase your understanding of the subject and allow you to develop your competence in technological and theoretical work.

You’re taught using a problem-based learning approach.

For full-time on-campus students, teaching takes place in dedicated classrooms. You’ll spend around 12 hours per week attending classes and around 30 hours a week of private study.

For part-time distance learning students, you'll watch video lectures and and complete practical exercises in your own time. For the latter, you'll work remotely in a virtual lab that recreates the safe controlled environment of the Hacking Lab at the University. You'll enjoy the benefits of being part of the academic community through weekly sessions to meet staff, fellow students, the Ethical Hacking Society and to get help with the practical materials for each module.


The taught course will be assessed using a combination of written coursework, presentations and seminars, with a written dissertation at MSc level.

For part-time distance learning students, all assessments and exams would be completed remotely online.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have a minimum of a lower second-class (2:2) honours degree in the field of computing/technology/engineering. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants who do not cover the appropriate subjects during their degree will be considered if they have relevant industry experience. This would normally be a minimum of two years’ experience of working in the area of software development or networking in either a promoted post or with a significant level of responsibility.

We accept a wide range of qualifications from applicants from across the world. Please select the country of your qualification from the searchable list below to view entry requirements. If you have different qualifications to those listed, please contact us using the form below.

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Academic Requirements

Applicants will typically require a minimum Diplomë e Nivelit të Pare/Bachelor degree score of 7.5 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a minimum Specialist/Bachelor degree score of 70% or 3.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a minimum Bachelor degree / Fachhochschuldiplom / Diplom (FH) score of 3.0 on the 5-point scale in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a minimum Bakalavr/Diplomu score of 70% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree from BUET of 4 years or more, or a Master's degree, with a minimum score of 60% or 3.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Specialist degree or Master's degree with a minimum score of 7 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Licentiaat / Licencié with a minimum score of 12 or 60% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a minimum Licenciado/Título  score of 65% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree (5-6 years) with a minimum score of 70%, or a Master's degree with a minimum score of 60%, in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Título de Licenciado/a or a Título/Título de Bacharel with a mimimum score of 65% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum score of 4.0 (out of 6) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Master's degree with a minimum score of C+, 65% or 2.5 (on a 4-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants wil typically require one of: a 4-year Bachelor Degree/Licence; Diplome d’Etudues Supérieures de Commerce; Diplôme d'Ingénieur; Maîtrise / Master sans thèse; with a minimum score of 11, or a GPA of 2.7 (on a 4-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree/Baccalauréat with a minimum score of 2.5 (4-point scale), 62% or C+ average in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum 70% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Licenciado/Título/Maestro with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Baccalaureus / Baccalaurea or Diploma - Visoko obrazovanje (4- 6 years) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Título de Licenciado/ Arquitecto/ Doctor/Ingeniero/Máster with a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum score of 6.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bakalář degree with a minimum score of 2.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree / Candidatus Philosophiae / Professionsbachelor with a minimum score of 7 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Título de Licenciado or Título with a minimum score of 70% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree (from a university) with a minimum GPA of 65% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Licenciado, Título  or Título de Maestro/Maestria with a minimum score of 6.5 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bakalaurusekraad (Bachelor degree) or Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe Diplom (Professional Higher Education Diploma) with a minimum score of 3 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants from an Ethiopian university will typically require a Master's degree with a minimum score of 2.75 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree / Kandidaatti / Kandidat with a minimum score of 1 (4-point scale) or 2.5 (5-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Diplôme d'Ingénieur / Licence / Grade de Licence / Licence Professionnelle / Grade de Licence Professionnelle with a minimum score of 12 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree or Specialist degree with a minimum score of 70% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor or Fachhochschuldiplom / Diplom (FH) with a score of 3.5 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (4-point scale), or 50% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Ptychio (AEA or TEI) degree with a minimum GPA of 6.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Graduate Diploma or Master’s degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require an Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree) or Egyetemi Oklevél (University Diploma) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Baccalaureus / Bakkalárpróf with a minimum GPA of 6.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor of Arts / Science / Commerce / Professional Subject with a minimum GPA of 2.9 (4-point scale) or 55-65% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor Degree Sarjana I (S1) with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor Degree with a minimum score of 13 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 65% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum score of a 2.2 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello, Diploma de Mediatore Linguistico, Laurea, or Licenza de Accademia de Belle Arti with a minimum score of 94 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 55%, 2.0, or grade C in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree or Advanced Diploma with a minimum GPA of 60% or 2.2 (4-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 65% or 2.5 (4-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree/ Bakalavr or Specialist Diploma with a minimum GPA of 70%, 2.3 (4-point scale), or 3.6 (5-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA percentage of 50% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 2.6 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree or Specialist Diploma with a minimum GPA of 3.6 (5-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bakalaura Diploms with a minimum score of 6 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree/Licence with a minimum GPA of 2.8 (4-point scale), score of 12 (French 20-point scale), or 70% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bakalauro Diplomas with a minimum overall score of 7 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree with a minimum overall score of 14 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically be require a Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.4 (4-point scale), 4.5 (6-point scale) or 50% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking. 

Applicants with a professional Bachelor's degree may be considered, though this must be in a related subject area.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree with a minimum score of 55% (lower second classification) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Título de Licenciado/Titulo or Grado/Título de Maestro/Maestría with a minimum GPA of 7.5 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Diploma de Licenta (Bachelor degree) or Diploma de Magistru (Master's degree) with a minimum score of 8.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Grau de Licenciado/a with a minimum score of 14, or Grau de Maestre with a minimum score of 12 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor Honours degree / Professional Bachelor degree (competed after 2009) or Master's degree with a minimum score of 60% or grade C in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a 4 year Bachelor's degree with a minimum score of 70%, or Master's degree with a minimum score of 60% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum grade of 6 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 or 50% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelorgrad (Bachelor degree) or a Candidatus/a Magisterii with a minimum overall grade C in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.3 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree (4-5 years) with a minimum GPA of 2.6 or 60% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.0 or 70% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Grado Académico de Bachiller or Título de Licenciado / Título (Profesional) with a minimum score of 12 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree from a well-ranked university with a minimum GPA of 2.0 (5-point scale), 2.5 (4-point scale), or 82% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Licencjat / Inżynier with a minimum score of 4 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Licenciado with a minimum score of 14 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Diplomă de Licenţă (Bachelor degree) with a minimum score of 7 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree (Honours) with a minimum score of 12/20 or 60% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.75 (4-point scale), 3.25 (5-point scale), or 73% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Diplomirani (Bachelor's degree) with a minimum GPA of 7 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree with a minimum GPA of 2.7 (4-point scale) or 3.5 (5-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bakalár (Bachelor's degree) with a minimum GPA of 2.0 (4-point scale) or 72% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (University Degree) with a minimum GPA of 7.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree or Professional Bachelor degree with a minimum score of 60% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Título Universitario Oficial de Graduado / Título Universitario Oficial de Licenciado with a minimum GPA of 6.0 (10-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree with a minimum score of 60% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a good Bachelor's degree / Kandidatexamen / Yrkesexamen with a majority of credits at G in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Diploma/Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 4.0 (6-point scale), 6.0 (10-point scale), or 3.0 (reverse 5-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 60-70% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Specialist Diploma or Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 3.8 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 50% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.6 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (4-point scale) or 65% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Yokary bilim Hakynda Sahadatnama (Diploma of HE) with a minimum GPA of 4.0 (5-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Specialist degree or Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (4-point scale) or 4.0 (5-point scale) in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.6 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.7 in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Diplomi (Specialist Diploma) with a minimum GPA of 70% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 56%, or grade C+ in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor Honours degree with a minimum GPA of 60% in the field of computing. The course is designed for students whose degree comprises a significant component of software development or networking.

Sorry, we're still working on entry requirements for qualifications from your country. Please contact us using the form below and give details of your qualifications and which Abertay course you are interested in, and we'll get back to you.

Applicants who do not cover the appropriate subjects during their degree will be considered if they have relevant industry experience. This would normally be a minimum of two years' experience of working in the area of software development or networking in either a promoted post or with a significant level of responsibility.

If your academic qualifications aren't listed above, or if you have any further questions, please contact our international team using the form below. There is also lots of useful information for international applicants on how to apply, visa information, and studying in Scotland on our international pages.

English Language Requirements

All courses at Abertay University are taught in English. If your first language is not English, you will need to demonstrate that you meet our English language requirements. Accepted English language qualifications include:

IELTS - overall score of 6.0 with no band lower than 5.5

TOEFL - overall score of 78 (individual elements: L-17, R-18, S-20, W-17)

Cambridge FCE/CAE/CPE - overall score of 169 on Cambridge Grading Scale

You do not need to prove your knowledge of English language if you are a national of certain countries. Please see English Language Requirements for the full list of accepted qualifications and further details.


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Modules (Subject to change)

Computer Security (CMP506)

An introduction to issues relating to computer security and ethical hacking, including techniques to improve vulnerabilities and computer defence. You’ll analyse how malicious hackers can gain unauthorised access and explore how to improve security.

Digital Forensics 3 (CMP507)

Provides you with the ability to carry out and critically evaluate computer forensic investigations and appraise forensic software with a view to develop appropriate investigation strategies in the light of emerging digital technologies.

Information and Network Security Management (CMP508)

An examination of the many forms of threats to information systems and appropriate countermeasures. This provides you with an understanding of the architecture and management of modern computer networking and of the security implications of the many possible architectural structures.

Ethical Hacking 4 (CMP509)

Provides you with specialist knowledge and experience of advanced hacking techniques and their countermeasures.

Engineering Resilient Systems Masters (CMP510)

Social and technical approaches to better security resilience in systems through consideration of methods of attack and defence. Module content: Hardware Security Challenges; The Ingredients of Machine Learning; Support Vector Machines for Cyber Security; Neural Networks for Cyber Security; Authentication Design; Principles of Secure Software Development; Language and API Design for Security; Static and Dynamic Analysis; Insider Threat.

Research Methods (1) (GRS501)

An introduction to research methods and statistical analysis. Combines theoretical, historical and statistical concepts with hands-on practical lab sessions using both qualitative and quantitative techniques to put theory into practice.

Masters Project (CMP504)

Select, plan, conduct and write up a research based investigation for the Masters Project. The project will include the selection of appropriate research and experimental methods, the collection and analysis of data/information and the evaluation and communication of findings. The result is a solution appropriate to the project aims and a dissertation.

Swiping Left on Scammers: An MSc Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity Student's Fight Against Romance Fraud

How hard is it to detect a fraudster on a dating app? Can you tell an online scammer posing as a potential lover from the real-deal? An Abertay University student has used virtual reality to highlight just how difficult this could be for people looking for love online.

Graduate Octavia Lea has developed ‘HeartGuard VR: A Romance Scam Experience’ as part of their MSc in Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity. The ‘applied’ game uses virtual reality to highlight the dangers of online romance fraud by allowing users to play as the AI inside a potential victim’s device.

Gamers must weed out the scammers from the real people as messages pour in from dating apps and other messaging platforms. Check out the video below to learn more:  


Romance fraud is a growing type of scam which involves criminals luring their victims into false relationships in order to steal their money or personal information. It is one of the most devastating and costly forms of cybercrime, and affects thousands of people across the UK.

Scotland's first Adobe Creative Campus

All Abertay students have access to Adobe Express, empowering you to enhance digital skills with industry-leading tools.

In late 2024, Abertay proudly became the first institution in Scotland to achieve the designation of Adobe Creative Campus.

The Adobe Creative Campus programme is an initiative involving a select group of colleges and universities dedicated to empowering staff and students across all disciplines with essential digital skills for success in both the workplace and the classroom.

Adobe Creative Campus

Information for International Applicants

Learn more about Abertay's English language requirements, as well as visa information.

English Language Requirements

Explore English language requirements for entry to Abertay University.

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Visa Information

All the information you need about visa requirements for studying here at Abertay University.

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International Students

Find everything you need to know about applying to Abertay as an international student.

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Fees & funding

The course fees you'll pay and the funding available to you depends on factors such as your nationality, location, personal circumstances and the course you are studying. Visit the links below and scroll down to find the Postgraduate section.

More information

Find out about grants, bursaries, maintenance loans and living costs in our postgraduate taught fees and funding section.


The scholarships below are open to international students and those applying from England, Wales & Northern Ireland, with a 2.1 or above for a postgraduate course.  

Abertay Postgraduate Taught rUK Scholarship

This £1,000 award is open to all prospective new postgraduate students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

International Postgraduate Abertay Scholarships

This £3,000 award is open to all prospective new international postgraduate students at Abertay University.

Career Opportunities

There’s an emerging job market for ethical hackers as companies become increasingly aware of security risks.

Some large organisations employ security testers and others use contractors to audit their systems. Our graduates have also set up their own companies offering ethical hacking services.

Some use their existing knowledge of programming, databases, networks or web development to find employment in these fields, with a deep understanding of security issues.

Our graduates have gone on to work for organisations such as:

  • Dell Secure Works

  • Goldman-Sachs

  • NCR

  • GCHQ

Others have gone on to set up their own successful information security businesses.

Join us and start your career in ethical hacking and cybersecurity - fascinating, rewarding and hugely in-demand.

Get inspired

Meet some of our Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity graduates and find out what they've gone on to do.

Shreyas Tewari

Shreyas is a Cybersecurity Analyst for National Grid Electricity Distribution.

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Paulina Ruh

Paulina is a Digital Forensic Analyst and Incident Responder for Ankura.

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Isabel Hoekstein

Isabel is a Cybersecurity Automation Engineer for the CME Group.

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Industry Experts: Fortinet and Red Sift

Chris Parker MBE, Director at Fortinet​, a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, gave a personal perspective on technology, the industry, and the many opportunities for graduates in the cybersecurity profession.

'Phishing' attacks (aka email impersonation) present the greatest cybersecurity threat at the moment. Blocking phishing emails by analysing their ​authenticity​ is the work of cybersecurity company Red Sift. Rois Ni Thuama and Connor Jones spoke about working for Red Sift at their offices in London, Barcelona, Houston, Sydney or from ​home in Dundee (or wherever you live).

Both businesses are looking for the very best cybersecurity graduates, ones exactly like our Abertay students.   

The Hack Lab

You’ll be granted access to our state-of-the-art Hack Lab, which has been created especially for security work. Every PC in the Hack Lab is isolated from the main university network, allowing you to experiment with all aspects of ethical hacking in a safe, controlled environment.

Considering this space is where you’ll be examining how viruses are made undetectable by malicious hackers, or aggressively exploiting flaws in realistic websites or mobile apps, removing the ability to cripple other networks is crucial.

Ethical Hacking Society

You’ll also have the option to join our Ethical Hacking Society (HackSoc) and build industry contacts while studying thanks to the society’s organisation of Securi-Tay, Europe's only student-run information security conference.

Graduate School

Our Graduate School is a dedicated facility providing support, training and professional development opportunities to our vibrant postgraduate community. This is specially designed to promote integration and inculcation of interdisciplinary working in our next generation of researchers.

Postgraduates all study and learn together at Abertay – from Environmental Management to Law, Psychology, Bioscience, Economics and Business, Cybersecurity and Computer Games Development.



Learn more about our Graduate School

Joining as a Postgraduate Student

When you join us as a postgraduate student or researcher, you’ll be joining a community of creative likeminded scholars and will automatically be provided with access to our dedicated study and social spaces – a forum in which you can meet, work and learn with other researchers and postgraduates from across the University.

You’ll benefit from training and professional development opportunities, as well as support with funding applications, placement opportunities, teaching support, public engagement and outreach activity.

Making the Most of Masters

The Making the Most of Masters project provides opportunities for master’s students to undertake work based projects, allowing you to enhance your employability at the same time as studying for your master’s degree.

Working with external organisations and employers, the projects are an integral part of your academic programme, and address real needs within an organisation, meaning you’ll have the opportunity to add valuable experience to your CV.

Find out more about‌ Making the Most of Masters

Explore our Dundee Campus

Abertay is conveniently located on a city centre campus, with all of its buildings within a quarter of a mile of each other. Shops, recreational facilities and the main bus and train stations are a short walk away.

Our Campus

Why Abertay?

We're extremely proud of our students and graduates.

We believe there's no better place to study for a degree that helps you stand out as an exceptional candidate in an increasingly competitive job market. And we will do everything we can to help you do just that.

Why Abertay

Living in Dundee

Dundee is a city of contrasts. It's vibrant and cosmopolitan, but also friendly, compact and affordable. Dundee has a rich history of innovation and creativity, and is a growing hub for the digital industries. Find out more about living in Dundee.

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