MSc Technical Art and Visual Effects

This groundbreaking programme will give you access to facilities available nowhere else in the UK and the opportunity to learn under a team of academics with years of industry experience.

Course detail

Start Date



1 year (full-time), 2 years (part-time)

Award Title



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Programme Overview

The games industry's rapid growth demands innovative visual content, pushing developers to new creative heights. In parallel, the film and television industry faces similar challenges, adapting to an ever-expanding global audience and the rise of streaming platforms. This shared landscape necessitates cutting-edge content that resonates across diverse markets.

To meet these requirements, there have been pioneering shifts in production approaches, placing new emphasis on real-time (RT) technologies, and interactive, immersive and programmable methods.


These emerging aspects of Technical Art and Visual Effects, means the sector is changing very quickly. Employers simply do not have the time or resources to train people ‘on the job’. The lack of employable talent is well recognised and is exacerbated by the emergence of the Virtual Production (VP) Industry.

Addressing the role of the Technical Artist

MSc Technical Art and Visual Effects is one of the first Master’s programmes to specifically address the role of the Technical Artist. It's this role that enables the delivery of creative solutions to complex artistic and logistical production challenges. Demand for this skillset is extremely high and only set to increase.

This programme will enable you to enter the industry with the most up-to-date creative and production approaches and real time software and hardware experience.

The technical and creative content of this programme encompasses engine programming, pipelines, VFX, optimisation, tools development, art, and animation pipelines. The knowledge and skills learnt on this programme will enable you to enter the marketplace with the most up-to-date creative and production approaches and RT software and hardware experience.



World class facilities

You’ll have access to our state-of-the-art virtual production studio (ViPRE – Virtual Production Research Environment) - the only one in the UK. The system is used in cutting-edge movie production and has seen the University film real-time scenes shot hundreds of miles apart – a feat never accomplished before.

Request your Postgraduate Guide

Our Postgraduate Guide contains information about all our postgraduate programmes. It also has pages dedicated to the University, the beautiful city of Dundee, how to apply, support services ... and much more!


Learning and assessment

You'll be taught using a mixture of lectures and practical tutorials in our dedicated production and lab spaces. There is an expectation to underpin this learning in your own time, outside of timetabled sessions. 

Assessment will take the form of practical projects, reports and exams. You'll produce a practice-based folio of technical art and visual effects examples in the shape of a showreel/breakdown reel or technical demo.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have an undergraduate degree (2.2 or better) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Examples of 3D modelling/animation and/or engine exposure and portfolio and/or Coding or scripting experience should be collated in a showreel, breakdown reel or a ‘making of’ video where possible. Code or scripting can be demonstrated in short demos, either captured, pre-rendered or as a small application.

Videos should be provided as HD 1080p MP4 if possible (to keep the file size down) or provide links to YouTube/Vimeo examples, and please provide any access passwords required to view the work. You can also share links to websites with examples of your work on it.

PDF’s can also be submitted to document your production processes, and to show any pre-production, concept work, static images or other examples of technical art and visual effects work.

We accept a wide range of qualifications from applicants from across the world. Please select the country of your qualification from the searchable list below to view entry requirements. If you have different qualifications to those listed, please contact us using the form below.

This field is required

Academic Requirements

Applicants will typically require a minimum Diplomë e Nivelit të Pare/Bachelor degree score of 7.5 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a minimum Specialist/Bachelor degree score of 70% or 3.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a minimum Bachelor degree / Fachhochschuldiplom / Diplom (FH) score of 3.0 on the 5-point scale in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a minimum Bakalavr/Diplomu score of 70% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Master's degree at 60 (following a three or four year degree in a relevant subject at 60%).

Relevant subjects include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Specialist degree or Master's degree with a minimum score of 7 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Licentiaat / Licencié with a minimum score of 12 or 60% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a minimum Licenciado/Título  score of 65% in Business or Marketing related disciplines. It’s expected that your existing qualification should have contained a proficient level of marketing study.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree (5-6 years) with a minimum score of 70%, or a Master's degree with a minimum score of 60%, in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Título de Licenciado/a or a Título/Título de Bacharel with a mimimum score of 65% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum score of 4.0 (out of 6) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Master's degree with a minimum score of C+, 65% or 2.5 (on a 4-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require one of: a 4-year Bachelor Degree/Licence; Diplome d’Etudues Supérieures de Commerce; Diplôme d'Ingénieur; Maîtrise / Master sans thèse; with a minimum score of 11, or a GPA of 2.7 (on a 4-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree/Baccalauréat with a minimum score of 2.5 (4-point scale), 62% or C+ average in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically be required to pass the Grado de Licenciado in a related area with a 5.5 GPA (7-point scale).

Realted areas include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum 70% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Licenciado/Título/Maestro with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Baccalaureus / Baccalaurea or Diploma - Visoko obrazovanje (4- 6 years) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Título de Licenciado/ Arquitecto/ Doctor/Ingeniero/Máster with a minimum GPA of 3.5 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum score of 6.0 in Business or Marketing related disciplines. It’s expected that your existing qualification should have contained a proficient level of marketing study.

Applicants will typically require a Bakalář degree with a minimum score of 2.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree / Candidatus Philosophiae / Professionsbachelor with a minimum score of 7 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Título de Licenciado or Título with a minimum score of 70% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree (from a university) with a minimum GPA of 65% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Licenciado, Título  or Título de Maestro/Maestria with a minimum score of 6.5 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bakalaurusekraad (Bachelor degree) or Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe Diplom (Professional Higher Education Diploma) with a minimum score of 3 in Business or Marketing related disciplines. It’s expected that your existing qualification should have contained a proficient level of marketing study.

Applicants from an Ethiopian university will typically require a Master's degree with a minimum score of 2.75 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree / Kandidaatti / Kandidat with a minimum score of 1 (4-point scale) or 2.5 (5-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Diplôme d'Ingénieur / Licence / Grade de Licence / Licence Professionnelle / Grade de Licence Professionnelle with a minimum score of 12 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree or Specialist degree with a minimum score of 70% in Business or Marketing related disciplines. It’s expected that your existing qualification should have contained a proficient level of marketing study.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor or Fachhochschuldiplom / Diplom (FH) with a score of 3.5 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (4-point scale), or 50% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Ptychio (AEA or TEI) degree with a minimum GPA of 6.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Graduate Diploma or Master’s degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require an Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree) or Egyetemi Oklevél (University Diploma) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Baccalaureus / Bakkalárpróf with a minimum GPA of 6.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor of Arts / Science / Commerce / Professional Subject with a minimum GPA of 2.9 (4-point scale) or 55-65% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor Degree Sarjana I (S1) with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor Degree with a minimum score of 13 in Business or Marketing related disciplines. It’s expected that your existing qualification should have contained a proficient level of marketing study.

Applicants will typically require a Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 65% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum score of a 2.2 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello, Diploma de Mediatore Linguistico, Laurea, or Licenza de Accademia de Belle Arti with a minimum score of 94 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 55%, 2.0, or grade C in Business or Marketing related disciplines. It’s expected that your existing qualification should have contained a proficient level of marketing study.

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree or Advanced Diploma with a minimum GPA of 60% or 2.2 (4-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 65% or 2.5 (4-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree/ Bakalavr or Specialist Diploma with a minimum GPA of 70%, 2.3 (4-point scale), or 3.6 (5-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA percentage of 50% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 2.6 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree or Specialist Diploma with a minimum GPA of 3.6 (5-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bakalaura Diploms with a minimum score of 6 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree/Licence with a minimum GPA of 2.8 (4-point scale), score of 12 (French 20-point scale), or 70% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bakalauro Diplomas with a minimum overall score of 7 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree with a minimum overall score of 14 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically be require a Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.4 (4-point scale), 4.5 (6-point scale) or 50% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree with a minimum score of 55% (lower second classification) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Título de Licenciado/Titulo or Grado/Título de Maestro/Maestría with a minimum GPA of 7.5 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Diploma de Licenta (Bachelor degree) or Diploma de Magistru (Master's degree) with a minimum score of 8.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Grau de Licenciado/a with a minimum score of 14, or Grau de Maestre with a minimum score of 12 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor Honours degree / Professional Bachelor degree (competed after 2009) or Master's degree with a minimum score of 60% or grade C in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a 4 year Bachelor's degree with a minimum score of 70%, or Master's degree with a minimum score of 60% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree with a minimum grade of 6 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 or 50% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelorgrad (Bachelor degree) or a Candidatus/a Magisterii with a minimum overall grade C in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.3 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree (4-5 years) with a minimum GPA of 2.6 or 60% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.0 or 70% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Grado Académico de Bachiller or Título de Licenciado / Título (Profesional) with a minimum score of 12 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree from a well-ranked university with a minimum GPA of 2.0 (5-point scale), 2.5 (4-point scale), or 82% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Licencjat / Inżynier with a minimum score of 4 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Licenciado with a minimum score of 14 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Diplomă de Licenţă (Bachelor degree) with a minimum score of 7in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor degree (Honours) with a minimum score of 12/20 or 60% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.75 (4-point scale), 3.25 (5-point scale), or 73% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Diplomirani (Bachelor's degree) with a minimum GPA of 7 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree with a minimum GPA of 2.7 (4-point scale) or 3.5 (5-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bakalár (Bachelor's degree) with a minimum GPA of 2.0 (4-point scale) or 72% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (University Degree) with a minimum GPA of 7.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree or Professional Bachelor degree with a minimum score of 60% in Business or Marketing related disciplines. It’s expected that your existing qualification should have contained a proficient level of marketing study.

Applicants will typically require a Título Universitario Oficial de Graduado / Título Universitario Oficial de Licenciado with a minimum GPA of 6.0 (10-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree (Special or Honours) at Lower Second classification or 3.3 GPA minimum in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor (Honours) degree with a minimum score of 60% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a good Bachelor's degree / Kandidatexamen / Yrkesexamen with a majority of credits at G in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Diploma/Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 4.0 (6-point scale), 6.0 (10-point scale), or 3.0 (reverse 5-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 60-70% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Specialist Diploma or Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 3.8 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 50% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.6 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (4-point scale) or 65% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Yokary bilim Hakynda Sahadatnama (Diploma of HE) with a minimum GPA of 4.0 (5-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Specialist degree or Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (4-point scale) or 4.0 (5-point scale) in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.6 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.7 in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Diplomi (Specialist Diploma) with a minimum GPA of 70% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 56%, or grade C+ in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Applicants will typically require a Bachelor Honours degree with a minimum GPA of 60% in a related area. These include 3D Modelling/Animation/Visual Effects, Computing or Computing related (Engineering).

Consideration will be made regarding individuals with extensive experience with 3D modeling tools and/or game engines.

Applicants should also submit a portfolio of work (i.e., showreel/breakdown reel, game engine demo or scripting examples).

Sorry, we're still working on entry requirements for qualifications from your country. Please contact us using the form below and give details of your qualifications and which Abertay course you are interested in, and we'll get back to you.

Applicants who do not cover the appropriate subjects during their degree will be considered if they have relevant industry experience. 

All courses at Abertay University are taught in English. If your first language is not English, you will need to demonstrate that you meet our English language requirements.

Please see English Language Requirements for the full list of accepted qualifications and further details.

For more information on the application process, tuition fees and scholarships, studying in Scotland, and to contact our International Team, please visit our International Students page.



Programming For Games (CMP502)

Introduction to the techniques and underpinning mathematics for developing games and real-time graphics applications with a moderm API.

Technical Art and VFX (CMP515)

This module will demonstrate and follow the principles and pipelines of current technical animation and visual effects techniques, as utilised by the industry. The brief will be creatively led, with technical challenges, to incorporate character animation and visual effects elements in one work, to be delivered in a real-time engine.

Procedural Methods for Visual Effects and Computer Graphics (CMP516)

Introduction to the essential procedural methods of content creation and visual effects animation (VFX) employed in film, television, games, and virtual production environments.

Realtime Tool and Pipeline Development (CMP517)

This module develops a critical understanding of the principles, practices, and techniques in tool development. Students will develop and evaluate software tools with particular emphasis on tools addressing the needs of the game, film and special effects industries.

Realtime Graphics and Shader Techniques (CMP522)

Introduction to essential graphics concepts and techniques and a foundation of shader development for real-time graphics.

Research Methods and Practice (CMP523)

This module is designed to introduce postgraduate students to research and practice-based methods. Theoretical approaches to research and practice are taught in lectures with seminar sessions that support students as they implement this knowledge in their Master’s research project proposals.

Masters Project* (CMP504)

Select, plan, conduct and create a research-based investigation for the Masters Project. The project will include the selection of appropriate research and experimental methods, the collection and analysis of data/information and the evaluation and communication of findings. The result is a solution appropriate to the project aims - a film, application, breakdown/'making of' showreel and a dissertation.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (CMP511)

Gain AI specialist knowledge and skills so you can develop user-facing solutions that demonstrate your understanding of human behaviours. You will develop a user-facing AI solution, by evaluating and selecting the optimal ML/AI technique.

Applied Analytics: Case Studies (CMP512)

This module will consolidate knowledge in applied analytics to analyse human behaviours and UX, based on provided case studies. The case studies will highlight the limitations of the state-of-the-art, or novel use of the latest theories and technologies.

Applied Game Technologies (CMP404)

Emerging technology trends used in computer games development. Learn to develop and apply techniques using existing technologies to explore these trends. Module content: Human Computer Interface; Visualisation; Platform; Innovation.

Game Design and Development (DES502)

An opportunity for you to operate at a professional level of games development and show your ability to critically review and consolidate your working practices within a team environment. This module requires you to be part of a team that apply their skills in the critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of a professionally aligned video game. This will include being actively involved in the concept development and game design, as well as taking a central technical role in its development.

Adobe Creative Cloud

As a student on this programme, you'll have full access to a comprehensive suite of over 20 applications designed to provide tools for graphic design, video editing, photography, and more. Key applications available include Photoshop, InDesign, Acrobat, and many others. 

In late 2024, Abertay proudly became the first institution in Scotland to achieve the designation of Adobe Creative Campus.

Through our partnership, all Abertay students have access to Adobe Express, empowering them to enhance their digital skills with industry-leading tools.

Find out more ➟


Information for International Applicants

Learn more about Abertay's English language requirements, as well as visa information.

English Language Requirements

Explore English language requirements for entry to Abertay University.

Find out more

Visa Information

All the information you need about visa requirements for studying here at Abertay University.

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International Students

Find everything you need to know about applying to Abertay as an international student.

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Career Opportunities

As a graduate of this programme, you'll have the knowledge and skills to enter the games, film and television industries as a competent Technical or Visual Effects Artist.

This could be with an established studio, or you may want to explore setting up your own studio as many previous graduates of Abertay's School of Design and Informatics have done.

You can find out more about the career support available at Abertay by clicking the link below.

find out more here

Fees & funding

The course fees you'll pay and the funding available to you depends on factors such as your nationality, location, personal circumstances and the course you are studying. Visit the links below and scroll down to find the Postgraduate section.

More information

Find out about grants, bursaries, maintenance loans and living costs in our postgraduate taught fees and funding section.


The scholarships below are open to international students and those applying from England, Wales and Northern Ireland with a 2.1 or above for a postgraduate course. 

Abertay Postgraduate Taught rUK Scholarship

This £1,000 award is open to all prospective new postgraduate students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

International Postgraduate Abertay Scholarships

This £3,000 award is open to all prospective new international postgraduate students at Abertay University.

Explore our Dundee Campus

Abertay is conveniently located on a city centre campus, with all of its buildings within a quarter of a mile of each other. Shops, recreational facilities and the main bus and train stations are a short walk away.

Our Campus

Why Abertay?

We're proud of our students and graduates, and we believe there's no better place to study if you're looking for a degree that helps you stand out as an exceptional candidate in an increasingly competitive job market.

Why Abertay?

Living in Dundee

Dundee is a city of contrasts. It's vibrant and cosmopolitan, but also friendly, compact and affordable. The first UK city to be awarded UNESCO City of Design status, Dundee has a rich history of innovation and creativity, and, in recent years, has become a hub for the digital industries.

Living in Dundee

Graduate School

Our Graduate School is a dedicated facility located at the heart of the University, providing support, training and professional development opportunities to our vibrant postgraduate community and researchers. 

Graduate School

Join us as a postgraduate

When you join us as a postgraduate student or researcher, you’ll join a community of creative like-minded scholars. You will be working in our dedicated study and social spaces – a forum in which you can meet, work and learn with other researchers and postgraduates from across the University.

You’ll benefit from training and professional development opportunities, as well as support with funding applications, placement opportunities, teaching support, public engagement and outreach activity.

Explore all undergraduate and postgraduate courses

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