Thomas Brough

Food and Consumer Science graduate, Thomas, is now working in his dream field

Now that I've completed my degree, with first class honours, and secured a postgraduate job in the field I was studying, I realise that all of this happened because of the AHEAD programme. I would definitely recommend to anyone who's thinking about applying!
Thomas Brough | Abertay University | BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Science

Abertay Food and Consumer Science graduate, Thomas Brough, decided to study on the AHEAD programme because he wasn't happy in his current job and didn't see much career progression.

Thomas had been looking at alternative routes into higher education due to not having the required grades for university. After researching various access courses, he eventually came across the AHEAD programme which was perfect for him.

Being classed as a mature student, and already having financial responsibilities such as a mortgage and car payments, AHEAD's evening classes were really helpful. It meant that I could continue to work full-time while still pursuing the programme.

Thomas felt that the structure of AHEAD was ideal for those who hadn't been in education for a number of years, with each class growing his confidence.

The lecturers were fantastic at supporting students and always encouraged us to ask questions. They were also very understanding of the fact that most of us hadn't been in education since school, so made sure we knew what was going on, and did a great job of making everyone feel prepared for the next steps in our education journeys.

Having completed the AHEAD programme prior to starting his chosen degree, Thomas felt like there wasn't as much of a culture shock, which may have been the case otherwise. He knew what level of work to expect and to what standard, as well as the resources that were readily available to him and where to find them. He had already made friends in the AHEAD programme, some of which decided to study Food and Consumer Science, like him, so he wasn't alone either.

Thomas' advice for those thinking about signing up to the AHEAD programme is "just do it!". 

The programme will fly by and so will your chosen degree. When you get to graduation you'll be thinking "where did the time go?", and you'll be in a much better position in terms of education and going after your desired career!

To find out more about the AHEAD programme, click here.

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