Information Sessions for US Students

For students, parents, teachers and counsellors interested in learning more about studying an undergraduate degree at Abertay

Our sessions

We offer monthly online information sessions for anyone in the US interested in learning more about studying an undergraduate degree at Abertay University—students, parents, teachers, counsellors, all are welcome!

Led by International Officer, Beth Thomas, these sessions will begin with a short presentation about Abertay, the courses we offer, how to apply, the city of Dundee, and more.

Following the presentation, there will be plenty of time to ask any questions you may have.

Fill out the form below and select the date and time of the session you'd like to join.

Please note: Prospective postgraduate students can reach out to Beth directly.

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Watch a recorded session

If you can't make any of our scheduled sessions, or have to cancel for whatever reason, you can watch one of our recorded sessions by clicking the play button.

Contact Beth

If you have any questions or need to cancel / re-schedule, please get in touch with Beth—who is more than happy to assist.


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