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I enjoyed the amazing support from the lecturers, nothing was too much trouble for them! Abertay provides and encourages a lot of extra curricular activities and opportunities. I enjoyed time as Class Rep, building leadership skills, book club and film club…all optional but worth it for peer relationship building and a fun way to learn out with assignment and exams.
My favourite memory from Abertay has to be the whole class meet ups at the cafe, group chats and the relationships we all build with the lecturers! It becomes one big family! We have had some great laughs together as a team that has continued now we are qualified!
With the nursing class the transition to real world of work is an easy one due to being on placements for 3 years , this helps prepare you for your job. Additionally the sign off placement is in the job you have chosen, further enabling and easy tradition as you have been there for 3 months post qualifying. The lecturers are on hand throughout university assisting to prepare you for when the time comes and happy to answer all the questions without hesitation.
My advice would be to take every opportunity offered. I chose to do class rep for 2 years which assisted in not only leader ship skills, peer relationship building but a chance to be able to assist in shaping the future of the course to suit the needs of students. The university listens and acts on suggestions. Student services are on hand to support you in whatever you need, whether that is finances, assignments or uniforms so use this amazing service to get the most out of university. Immerse yourself into student life and never be afraid to ask questions. Take this chance and enjoy it!
Mental Health Nurse
I wish to be the best nurse I can. For change to happen, you need to be the change! My future plans are to move up the bandings of nursing to help shape clinical areas and improve patient journey and champion person centred care. Going forward I would love the opportunity to teach others in university and assist in shaping future nurses to be the best they can with the same high level of learning I received.
Mental Health Nursing is an extremely rewarding career , particularly when you see patients take large steps towards recovery and know you were part of that. To witness patients at their lowest , and then going on to leave your care with hope, determination, plans for the future and a smile on them and their families face is enough for me!