Thursday, 2 May 2019

Abertay Digital Graduate Show 2019: Craig McNaughton

Abertay Digital Graduate Show 2019: Craig McNaughton

A picture of Craig McNaughton smiling
"There’s something really cool about being able to see a physical model of something you’ve made digitally, and I want to be able to show that process to others." - Craig McNaughton

The Abertay Digital Graduate Show 2019 gets underway on May 10th. We're taking a look at some of what'll be on show...

Today we're speaking to Computer Arts student Craig McNaughton, whose project explores the world of concept art...

Tell us more about your project…

I investigated different methods used to create concept art in the games industry, and how they could be applied to my own artwork. It’s also been a wonderful opportunity to explore 3D printing and how it can assist in concept development.

Why did you want to showcase your work at ADGS?

Without sounding pretentious, I feel proud about what I’ve been able to accomplish over the last four years and want to take the opportunity to put it on display. There’s also something really cool about being able to see a physical model of something you’ve made digitally, and I want to be able to show that process to others.


How’s your Abertay experience been?

It’s been great overall. Everyone’s experience at university has its ups and downs and I’ve really enjoyed learning new skills, meeting new people and making friendships that I know will last a long time.


What’s next for you after graduation?

It’s job hunting time! I’ve been applying to various studios in the hope of pursuing a career as a concept artist. Other than that, after all the fun I’ve had working with the university’s 3D printer, I may just have to invest in one myself!


What one piece of advice would you give next year’s graduates?

It’s important to allow yourself to have breaks. There’s a lot of work to do, but overworking yourself is only going to cause problems. Take time to de-stress and do some things you enjoy.

You can find more of Craig's work here:

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