Thursday, 11 June 2020

Race equality at Abertay University

Race equality at Abertay University

Abertay University

Abertay University exists to provide transformational opportunities for all. This key pledge to our students, coupled with our commitment to providing an inclusive and fair working environment for our staff, form the backbone of our approach to race equality.

While we are hugely proud to be the first, and only, University in Scotland to hold the externally-assessed Race Equality Charter Mark, we recognise that, as an institution, we still have much to do.

At this hugely significant time, the University stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, and with the many other campaigns to end racism in all its forms. We also understand that these words mean nothing without action.

Since last year we have been working on a voluntary application to go through the Race Equality Charter Mark process for a second time. Our submission for this is well-advanced and will continue our work to build upon previously implemented action points, including the measures below and many others:

Race equality remains a live issue at Abertay. In the days, weeks and months ahead, we will continue to work towards improving the University experience for our BAME students and staff, and welcome being held to account where we have failed to do enough, or where there is more that could be done to achieve equality.

To seek support on any issue, students can contact the Support Enquiry Zone at, while staff members can contact their line manager or People Services.

To report an incident use our online Tell Us tool

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