Tayside Centre for Counselling

Services for business

We have a dedicated suite of interpersonal skills spaces, as well as a clinical skills training suite. These are designed to support research and knowledge exchange in mental health nursing and counselling. For more information and to work with us, please contact tcc@abertay.ac.uk.

The Tayside Centre for Counselling runs a research clinic for community clients gathering data to explore the effectiveness of Pluralistic Framework for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Consequently we have formed a consortium of similar clinics across the UK, aiming to collaborate on large-scale research projects examining the process and outcomes of therapy. The clinic also provides opportunities for post-graduate students to undertake practice placement.

Watch the video to find out how The Tayside Centre for Counselling helps the local community and our students.



For more information about what we do, or to work with us, please contact tcc@abertay.ac.uk.

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