Dr Kouletakis welcomes PhD supervision students in the area of intellectual property law.
Dr Kouletakis is currently the module lead for Intellectual Property Law; Public Law 1 (Constitutional Law); and Public Law 2 (Administrative Law). She is also the LLB diploma administrator and Law Honours Dissertation module tutor.
Dr Kouletakis's research interests include intellectual property law and decolonisation. Her focus is on IP Law as a means of furthering the interests of vulnerable groups and developing nations.
Miss Kouletakis has been the recipient of the following funding awards:
Clark Foundation Scholarship
Dr Kouletakis has been an invited keynote speaker for the following events:
Dr Kouletakis holds the following positions:
Dr Kouletakis has received the following in the Student-Led Teaching Awards:
Dr Kouletakis submitted the Impact Case Study on behalf of Law for the REF 2021, titled: "Enhancing the optimal application of the Marrakesh Treaty to increase access to literary works for the disabled community". It can be viewed here: https://results2021.ref.ac.uk/impact/1110fb83-2a9a-4266-bb34-c9648fc08756?page=1
Since the publication of her Master of Laws thesis and subsequent articles, Dr Kouletakis has worked closely with the South African government and a variety of local and international interest groups in amending South Africa's copyright legislation. This included making submissions to parliament and attending parliamentary meetings.
+44 (0)1382 30 8270
+44 (0)1382 30 8149