Dr Janet Horrocks


Faculty AbLE Academy


Contact info

+44 (0)1382 30 8464


I am a lecturer in Biomedical Science and am interested in developing our approaches to teaching and learning both in biomedical science and across the university. My work on teaching and learning has received both national and international attention and I am currently interested in developing enquiry and problem based learning in a laboratory setting. I run the final year project for the Biomedical Science programme.

I am Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Society of Biology

I started my career with a degree in Microbiology at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in 1985 and moved northward to do my PhD in the Kinetics and Mechanism of Penicillin Acylase at the University of Newcastle. After a Post-Doctoral post at Dundee University, I joined Abertay University as a lecturer in 1993.

Outside of University can usually be found mountain biking, climbing or skiing.

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I contribute across all levels to a number of programmes delivered by the School of Science, Engineering and Technology.  I run the Honours Project modules for all the biological sciences students (which includes BSc Biomedical Sciences, BSc Applied Biomedical Science and BSc Medical molecular Biology) which represents 50% of the final degree credits. Currently my main areas of teaching are biochemistry and human metabolism. 

I have developed and promoted the use of online assessment and have a continued interested in enhancing this aspect of teaching practice within the School.


My current research is focused developing teaching and learning and comes under the umbrella of "action research". 

Invited papers/conference talks and posters
Robertson, A. Blackwell Young, J and Horrocks, A J. (2017) Changing the academic landscape at Abertay: Academic change management from three different perspectives
Presented at the Annual SEDA Conference November 2017

Horrocks AJ (2017) Digging for treasure: Maximising the impact of learning activities on Job applications and Interviews
Presented at a symposium on Employability, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the Life Sciences at University of Dundee

Horrocks, A J Zhelev, N and Wharton, Y (2017) Graduates for the future: curriculum design and the student perspective.
Presented at the World Biodiscovery Congress, Sofia 2017

Horrocks AJ Brown, S and Savage A (2017) “Where is the protocol?” Independent thinking Increases student engagement in laboratory work. A case study
Presented to the Transforming Assessment in Higher Education Symposium: Student engagement through assessment

Wharton W and Horrocks AJ (2015) Students’ perceptions of employability within their degree programme: highlighting the disparity between what academics believe is included and the student experience. International Enhancement Conference June 2015

Wharton W and Horrocks AJ (2014) “Employability: Harnessing the student voice to drive curricula and pedagogical enhancement”
Abertay Teaching and Learning Conference October 2014

Horrocks AJ and Smith K (2014) Developing Staff: The First Step in Teaching and Learning Enhancement. .Abertay Teaching and Learning Conference October 2014

Cameron, S. Whitelock, J and Horrocks, A. J BSc in Medical and Molecular Biology; A model for Integrating Further and Higher Education in Scotland. HEA STEM conference in 2014

Horrocks, A J and Milne, L (2011) “Improving engagement and achievement in science numeracy” Invited speaker Society for General Microbiology Spring Conference 2011

Horrocks, A J and Milne, L (2010) HEA academy swap shop session “Improving Engagement and Achievement in Science Numeracy”

Publications (Refereed Journals):

Stewart SG, Bausek N, Wohlrab F, Schneider WJ, Janet Horrocks A, Wishart GJ. Species specificity in avian sperm:perivitelline interaction. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2004 Apr;137(4):657-63. PubMed PMID: 15123173. (24 citations)
Stewart, SG, Wishart GJ, Horrocks, AJ Oligosaccharides that are N-linked to egg coat glycoproteins and have a terminal N-acetyl-glucosamine induce the acrosome reaction in birds. Glycobiology 2000 10 (10) 1107-1108 (0 citations)
Horrocks AJ, Stewart S, Jackson L, Wishart GJ. Induction of acrosomal exocytosis in chicken spermatozoa by inner perivitelline-derived N-linked glycans. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Nov 11;278(1):84-9. PubMed PMID: 11071859. (42 citations)
Robertson L, Wishart GJ, Horrocks AJ. Identification of perivitelline N-linked glycans as mediators of sperm-egg interaction in chickens. J Reprod Fertil. 2000 Nov;120(2):397-403. PubMed PMID: 11058456. (32 citations)
Winder CL, Al-Adham IS, Abdel Malek SM, Buultjens TE, Horrocks AJ, Collier PJ. Outer membrane protein shifts in biocide-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. J Appl Microbiol. 2000 Aug;89(2):289-95. PubMed PMID: 10971761. (69 citations)
Milne FC, Wishart GJ, Robertson L, Horrocks AJ. Avian acrosin: the relationship between biological role and specificity. Biochem Soc Trans. 1997 Nov;25(4):S635. PubMed PMID: 9450063. (2 citations)
Robertson L, Horrocks AJ, Wishart GJ. Perivitelline N-linked glycans with terminal N-acetylglucosamine initiate sperm:egg interaction in the chicken. Biochem Soc Trans. 1997 Nov;25(4):S655. PubMed PMID: 9450083. (3 citations)
Ingledew WJ, Horrocks J, Salerno JC. Ligand binding to the haem-copper binuclear catalytic site of cytochrome bo, a respiratory quinol oxidase from Escherichia coli. Eur J Biochem. 1993 Mar 15;212(3):657-64. PubMed PMID: 8385006. (17 citations)
Slade A, Horrocks AJ, Lindsay CD, Dunbar B, Virden R. Site-directed chemical conversion of serine to cysteine in penicillin acylase from Escherichia coli ATCC 11105. Effect on conformation and catalytic activity. Eur J Biochem. 1991 Apr 10;197(1):75-80. PubMed PMID: 1849824. (32 citations)

Book chapters

Horrocks AJ, Brown, S and Savage A (2017) Where Is The Protocol?” Independent Thinking Increases Student Engagement in Laboratory Work: A Case Study.
Published in Transforming Assessment in Higher education: A Case Study Series Elkington S and Evans C.Eds  York, UK Higher Education Academy

Wishart GJ and Horrocks AJ (2000) Gametes and gamete interactions in birds in
Fertilization in Protozoa and Metazoan Animals pp193-217
Antonio Cano A and Tarin JJ  Eds  Springer Verlag (24 citations)

Brown R, Pohajdak B, Horrocks, J and McClaren L. Compositions and Methods for Reducing or Preventing Fertilization in Fish and Birds Canadian patent CA 2356452 December 22 1999

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More Information


I have recently been in receipt of 2 grants to fund teaching and learning projects within the school

Employability: Harnessing the student voice to drive curriculum and pedagogical enhancement.

Co- applicant Y Wharton

Developing Staff: The First Step in Teaching and Learning Enhancement. Total value £4,467

Co applicant Dr K Smith


 I am currently the external examiner University of Sunderland covering the following undergraduate programmes: BSc Biomedical Sciences, BSc Biomedical Studies and  BSc Applied Biomedical Sciences. I have experience of external examining at PhD and MRes level

I am a member of the Scottish Deans of Science Education group and represent the University a the  BioDundee steering group. 

I am a Fellow of the Society of Biology (July 2015) and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Knowledge Exchange

Brown R, Pohajdak B, Horrocks, J and McClaren L. Compositions and Methods for Reducing or Preventing Fertilization in Fish and Birds Canadian patent CA 2356452 December 22 1999

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Professor Reza Kouhy

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