Dr Rebecca Wade

Senior Lecturer

Faculty Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences

Department Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences

Contact info

+44 (0)1382 30 8650


Brief Biography: I gained my PhD (conferred 1998) at the University of Dundee. My thesis title was “A Quantitative Study of Waterborne Soil Erosion on Agricultural Land in Eastern Scotland - Towards Erosion Prediction”. Not long after completing my PhD I took up a Post Doctoral Research position in the USA at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Whilst in Illinois I worked on river channel dynamics. My main research project was a US EPA-funded ‘Star Project’: “Development of an Integrated Scientific and Technological Framework for Stream Naturalization”. I was responsible for interdisciplinary project management, coordination of research focus and logistics and coordination of annual reporting.

I have been working at the Abertay University since returning from the USA in October 2002. During which time I have been involved in teaching, research, consultancy, and contract work and professional training (CPD).

My background is physical geography but I teach collaboratively with civil engineers and work in interdisciplinary teams on research projects that contribute to our understanding of human interactions with nature, and natures' interaction with the built environment. I work in both urban and rural settings and have extensive experience of working with the public and with stakeholders in relation to decision-making for multi-functional/ multi-benefit use of urban greenspace and rural environments. I have a track record of linking research to engineering and planning requirements and an successful in bringing together teams from diverse disciplines and backgrounds.
I have been awarded funding from AHRC to conduct 3 cross-disciplinary, community enagement projects within the Cross-ResearchCouncil 'Connected Communities' programme. I have worked with the James Hutton Institute on Scottish Government projects related to Urban Diffuse Pollution mitigation and Rural SuDS. I have contributed to EU projects: an EU Regional Development project on low-carbon initiatives (LoCalNet: http://www.localnet.abertay.ac.uk/) and an EU MED programme dedicated to improving energy efficiency through sustainable stormwater management (E2Stormed: http://www.e2stormed.eu/). More recently I have contributed to Global Challenge research projects (Via Newton Fund) exploring possibilities for gaining multiple benfits from urban green space in Brazilian cities.

I am currently conducting research on fluvial geomorphic change at a river restoration site in Glen Clova, Angus and am working in collaboration with Scottish Water and Dundee City Council on connecting people with nature for the good of their health and to tackle climate impacts through engaging them with retrofit stormwater management solutions in their schools and communities.

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Undergraduate & MSc

BEng/MEng Civil & Environmental Engineering 

& MSc Environmental Management

EEM105 - Introduction to Environmental Science

EEM103 - Landscape Processes and Surveying (Module Tutor)

EEM201 - Surveying and Construction

EEM203 - Water Resources and Fluid Mechanics

EEM208 - Environmental Engineering

EEEM410 - Water Engineering

EEM523 - Waste, Wastewater Management and Climate Change

BEng/ MEng placement tutor

BEng/ MEng Honours project supervision

MSc Dissertation supervision



ABE104 - Dundee and Me 

ABE206 - Sustainability 101


Upskilling modules

EEM362 - Individual Sustainability - Understanding and Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

EEM363 - Adapting to Climate Change - Carbon and Climate Conscious Communities 


My Research areas: 

My major research interests include: Urban Ecosystem Services, Geomorphological and Ecological effects of Stream Naturalization; Issues of urban drainage and improving urban watercourses; Stream Channel Restoration; Ecosystem-based Management; and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS). I work in both urban and rural environments.

Urban Environments: urban water and greenspace management; built/natural environment interactions; urban sustainability; multiple benefits delivery by green spaces and green infrastructure, including links to biodiversity and human health and well-being

Urban Ecosystem Services: goods and services provided by the environment which are particularly relevant in urban areas; multiple benefits.

Sustainable water management: SUDS; surface water management; Multiple benefits delivery by sustainable water management through enhanced understanding of Ecosystem Services

Rivers/Hydromorphology: river restoration, catchment science, natural flood management

I have contributed to EU and International projects and provided policy guidance to Scottish Government on diffuse pollution management, urban stormwater management and rural SuDS. I have contributed to both of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment reports (2011 & 2015). These have formed the basis of U.K. Government environment papers and policies.

I am a prolific writer of research proposals and have a track record of success in consortium-building, proposal preparation and funding procurement.

I have worked with colleagues on many European and International projects that have challenged me to work across cultures and languages and in different climates to deliver solutions that tackle water quantity and quality problems whilst also delivering additional benefits (such as; amenity, recreation, biodiversity, energy saving, aesthetic improvement, health and well-being etc).

Examples of previous International projects are: 

EU MED funded project (E2Stormed – gaining energy and carbon benefits from sustainable stormwater management);

UK-Brazil Newton funded project (ADEPT – environmental and community benefits from green infrastructure). 

More locally, I work with stakeholders and communities to help deliver impact from research.

Examples of local projects are:

Dundee Green Health Partnership, working with NHS Tayside and Dundee City Council and supported by SNH (Scottish Natural Heritage) exploring Dundee's natural environment as a resource that can be used to help tackle some of our key health issues. The initiative aims to bring about a step change in the use of nature-based solutions to deliver health outcomes.

Rottal Burn River Restoration Project, working with Esk Rivers and Fisheries Trust, River South Esk Catchment Partnership and Angus Council to monitor the progressive physical environment changes to a restored river reach. As well as monitoring the movement of the river through time we have been exploring the ecosystem service values resulting from the restoration efforts and have hosted a conference show-casing 5 years of collaborative research work and multi-agency data collection at this river restoration location. 

Collaborative work for over a decade on the restored Rottal Burn in Eastern Scotland has led to the Rottal Burn winning UK Rivers Prize 2023 (awarded by the UK River Restoration Centre, The RRC), and being shortlisted for a Nature of Scotland award for ‘nature and climate action’.

When collaborating on projects I work with colleagues in a holistic and inclusive way. I often work on projects where key stakeholders are engaged from the very early stages to work collaboratively to form ‘learning alliances’ and ‘regional working groups’ to co-design and co-deliver the storm water solutions. This approach helps regions to ‘transition’ to more sustainable storm water management. Evidence of this can be seen in the E2Stormed project (http://www.e2stormed.eu/). Within the E2Stormed project, along with UWTC colleagues, we were instrumental in delivering SUDS training and advice as well assisting in development of Regional Working Groups for Energy Efficiency and production of the Transition Manual for several Municipalities across the Mediterranean.

Research funding:
I have established success in research proposal writing, consortium building and funding procurement. In the period from 2008 – 2017 I was involved in 73 submitted proposals (as PI, Co-I, or named researcher), 33 of these were successful (45% success rate). A total of £16,250,000.00 in funding requested, translating to £4,900,500.00 in successful funding (31% of total requested) and bringing £750,000.00 to Abertay.

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Professional Activities:

Director (non-executive), Dundee Science Centre, since 2019

Director (executive), SUSTAIN Dundee, 2018 - 2020

Trustee, Esk Rivers and Fisheries Board, since 2018

Fellow, Royal Society for the encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce

Steering Group Member, Dundee Green Health Partnership, since 2018

Advisory Board Member, WaterCity H2020 (UK-China) project

Member, International Working Group on WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) since 2014

Member, SAGES (Scottish Alliance for Geoscience Environment and Society) since 2012

SAGES Theme leader (Landscape Form, Use and Change: a Dynamic Earth) since 2018

Member Scotland’s Landscape Alliance (and SLA working group member for WG1 Landscape and Healthy Communities; WG3 Landscape Land Use and Economy)

Committee Member, Scottish Green Infrastructure Forum

Committee Member, Scottish Universities Green Infrastructure Research Group

External Examiner at Dundee University (MA Environmental Sustainability) 2013-16

External Reviewer for MSc modules at Coventry University

External Reviewer for training course at Middlesex University

Invited Panel Interviewer for NERC (Droughts and Water Scarcity) from 2013

Invited member of ESRC Peer Review College from 2010

EPSRC Reviewer 2009 – present

NERC Reviewer 2011- present

Editorial Advisory Board Member World Water: Stormwater Management

Guest Editor for the Journal CLEAN –Air, Soil, Water (2013)

Guest Editor for the Journal Nature based Solutions (2024)

Peer Reviewer for the following publications: ICE (Institute of Civil Engineers) Journals; Science of the Total Environment (SOTON); the International open-access journal Water; Soil Science Society of America Journal; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Journal of Ecological Economics; Water, Air and Soil Pollution; Journal of Environmental Management; Journal of Water and Climate Change; Land Use Policy; European Journal of Engineering Education & others.

Paper Reviewer for 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage

Coordinator of paper contributions to SUDSnet Conferences 2004-present

Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge Exchange and Community Activities

Athena SWAN Award institutional self-assessment team (SAT) member for Abertay
Athena SWAN Award Departmental SAT Chair for School of Science Engineering and Technology at Abertay University.
Café Science Dundee, Committee Member (2009- present)
Women in Science representative for Abertay (2011 – present)
STEM Ambassador (2017 – present)
Scottish Crucible participant (2009) and active SC alumni (2009 – present)
Dundee Women in Science Festival Committee member (2011- present)
Coordinator AMCE (Abertays Most Civil Engineers) Cancer Research UK ‘Race for Life’ team (2013 & 2014)
British Geomorphological Research Group (BGRG) Member (1993 - 2004)
Royal Scottish Geographical Society (RSGS) Member (1993 – 1999)
British Hydrological Society (SHG member 2004 - ).
River Restoration Centre (presenter at national networking conferences 2006-present).
Invited participant and speaker at events, including those organised by: NERC, Scottish Government, NatureScot, Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Flood Resilient Scotland Conference, Dundee Science Centre, Dundee Association of University Women, Dundee University Former Staff, Dundee Afternoon Lectures, Royal Tay Yacht Club, Café Science Dundee, Abertay Rotary Club, Claverhouse Rotary Club, Bonnetmakers Craft Dundee, Girl Guides association. 



I am an award-winning STEM ambassador, I was named UK STEM ambassador of the year 2021 by The Institution of Civil Engineers in Scotland and STEM Ambassador of the year 2022 by The Institution of Civil Engineers UK. In recognition of my efforts the ICE in Scotland had earlier named me as one of their ‘invisible superheroes’. I am ‘Eco-crusader’, and my superpower is “inspiring the next generation of civil engineers to work with nature for a more sustainable future”.

I work actively with schools and stakeholders in Scotland to promote, inspire and engage young people in STEM, and particularly to encourage and support women in science and engineering.

I am Abertay Universitys' 'Women in Science' Representative for: Dundee Women in Science Festival  (http://www.dundee.ac.uk/revealingresearch/newsandevents/womeninscience/) and for the Regional (Dundee and Angus) STEM partnership. I have previously been an Athena SWAN Award self-assessment team (SAT) member for Abertay (http://www.athenaswan.org.uk/) and SAT chairperson for the School of Science Engineering and Technology (SET) and the School of Applied Sciences at Abertay University.

I have been invited to present my work and my wider experiences, particularly my expedition to Antarctica, to a wide variety of audiences.

I have contribued to online learning and engagement, aimed at reaching young people during the pandemic lock-downs in 2020 and 2021.

Meet the rest of the team

Dr Sean Brown

Dr Sean Brown

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Senior Lecturer

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Dr Boon-Seang Chu

Dr Boon-Seang Chu

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Reader in Food Functionality and Processing Technology

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