Dr Robert Dewar is a Senior Lecturer in Cybersecurity Policy in the Department of Cybersecurity and Computing. His specialist areas are cyber security policy, strategy and legal frameworks; the European Union and cyber security regulations including GDPR; historical institutionalism and the geostrategic contexts of cyber security and cyber defence. His PhD thesis was an historical insitutionalist analysis of the development of European Union cyber security policy.
Dr Dewar is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Before joining Abertay University, Dr Dewar was a Senior Researcher in Cyber Defence at ETH Zurich, Head of Cyber Security at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and a lecturer and tutor at the universities of Glasgow, Stirling and Dundee. He has guest lectured around the world including at the College of Europe in Bruges and the Diplomatic Academy of Chile.
In addition to academic activities, Dr Dewar has advised the United Nations, NATO, the OSCE, the Swiss and Scottish Governments and numerous private sector entities on cyber security and defence policy and legislative frameworks.
Outside of Abertay University, Dr Dewar has a keen interest in Japan and Japanese culture. He is a long-time fan of anime, is training in karate, is studying Japanese and practices Shinto. As a result his research interests also extend to the history and philosophy of anime, techno-animism in the 21st century and the relationship between technology and people.
+44 (0)1382 30 8604
+44 (0)1382 30 8596