I am Professor of Digital Society currently working on AI application to social sciences, digital infrastructures and open science, codesign and user research.
I presently teach on the subjects of Cybercrime and Policing Technology, AI and Society
I am interested in surpevising dissertations in the following areas:
Currently Large Language Models and AI applications to Social Research are the top of my research work.
Past Funding:
Project PIE News (Collective Awareness in Commonfare) Project Nr. 687922
European Commission (Horizon2020). Funding: 190200 Euros
Project STEP (Societal engagement of young Europeans in environmental issues / e-participation) Project Nr. 649493
European Commission (Horizon2020). Funding: 201875 Euros
Invited Talks
“Come Costruirsi una Reputazione Online. E quali sono le conseguenze per la governante di internet” (How to Build an Online Reputation). Communication at the Internet Governance Forum Italia, 2011. Trento (Italy), 11 November 2011. (Talk on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY0sviMg95Y - in Italian)
“Social Network e Relazioni Sociali” (Social Network and Social Relations). Communication at the Azienda Sanitaria Emilia Romagna, 01 March, 2012.
Social networks and digital media: enhancing local participation. Presentation at OECD Trento as part of the Capacity Building Seminar DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING E-GOVERNMENT POLICIES: THE CASE OF THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY
De Paoli S. “Reputazione e Manipolazione” (Reputation and its manipulation). Communication at Internet Festival Pisa, 6 Ottobre 2012.
Invited papers and international translations
Kerr, A. , De Paoli S. & Keatinge M. (2011) Governance and Participation in Massively Multiplayer Online Games’. Invited paper at the ‘Social Participation and Digital Communities’ track at the Intel European Research and Innovation Conference, Leixlip, Ireland, 12th Oct., 2011.
My paper (with A. Kerr) The Assemblage of Cheating: How to Study Cheating as Imbroglio in MMORPGs. Has been translated in French as L’agencement de la triche. Aborder la triche dans les MMORPG comme un imbroglio. Réseaux 2012/3 n° 173-174
Scientific Coordination
Scientific Coordination of the 1st and 2nd Summer School in “Digital Journalism”- August – September 2011 & 2012: http://www.ahref.eu/it/media/comunicati-stampa/ahref-summer-school?set_language=it
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Digital Ethnography Week 2012 http://www.ahref.eu/en/ricerca/education/second-digital-ethnography-week-1?set_language=en
GR RAI (National Italian Radio News) has interviewed me about reputation and the Internet, during the Pisa Internet Festival 2012.
Ilfattoquotidiano (one of the main Italian Newspaper) has mentioned my work (with Dr. Chiara Broccatelli) on online psychotherapy (2012).
Extended interview on my research for "Digital Ethnography Week" on Vimeo - http://vimeo.com/51906157 (in Italian)
Contribution to the design of the wikirate platform: http://wikirate.org
Lead Development of Questions for the ENISA "NIS quiz" - October 2014 Cybersecurity Month: http://cybersecuritymonth.eu/references/quiz-demonstration
+44 (0)1382 30 8592
+44 (0)1382 30 8638