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The University is a multi-faith and multi-cultural institution. The Chaplaincy seeks to serve the whole University community in a spirit of openness, friendship and mutual respect, and maintain a directory of the many places of worship in Dundee and Tayside together with contact numbers.
It serves both as a reference point for those with particular faith needs and as a forum for dialogue between those of different faiths.
The Chaplaincy is part of Student Services and works closely with the Student Association. The Chaplaincy seeks to be a resource for the conscious broadening and developing of the spiritual insight and ethical awareness of those willing to be challenged by the broader implications of University life.
The work of the Chaplaincy is guided by members of staff and student representatives.
Student Services manages a number of prayer rooms / quiet rooms across campus for groups and individuals of all faiths and none to meet, pray, meditate or reflect.
The Quiet Contemplation Room is a small, inclusive space on Level 2 of the Old College (Room 2034.1). It's a space where students or staff of any religion, or of no religion, can read, pray, meditate or engage in quiet reflection. It is open throughout the day and during the evening.
Located next door to the contemplation room is the multi-faith group space. The primary purpose of this larger room is to provide space for group activities such as meetings and communal worship. It may be particularly useful for staff or student faith societies.
The room has been designed to allow students and staff the freedom to configure furniture as appropriate for their needs. To ensure its neutrality the room has also been kept free of any permanent religious iconography.
Groups can store paraphernalia in lockers within the room and make temporary displays to suit the purpose of their meeting.
This shared space is available on a first come, first served basis. You can view it using the Room Finder.
The Islamic Prayer Rooms are maintained by the Abertay Islamic Society. There are two prayer rooms, one for females and one for males, and they can be found in the Baxter Building in rooms 3057 and 3059. Get in touch with the Islamic society for more information by emailing