How can I get prepared for results day?

Get prepared for results day 

Results day for SQA Highers is Tuesday 6 August 2024 and Thursday 15 August 2024 for A-Levels.

There are a number of things both you and your student can do ahead of time to help you prepare for results day:

  • Make sure you fully understand what Clearing is and how it works (see What is Clearing?). 

  • Make sure you've signed up for Clearing updates from Abertay.

  • Note down clearing helpline number for Abertay +44(0)1382 308080.

  • For those in Scotland, find out if your student has signed up for their results be email and/or text. If not, they will receive their results on the day by post.

  • For those doing A-levels, results are received from school or college.

  • Understand what course choices your student has made and what grades they require.

  • Plan for the best case and worst case scenarios.

  • Find out if they have a back up plan – if not, make one:

    • Consider different subjects – they don’t have to stick with their original idea.

    • Research universities with courses as options and draw up a short list.

    • You’ll find courses available for Clearing at Abertay on our website. 

Any questions?

Use LiveChat on our website, see bottom left on your screen. Or, call/email us:

📞 Call us: +44(0)1382 308080.

📧 Email us:

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