Applying from School

We'd be delighted to welcome you to Abertay University in September.


Changed your mind about going to university after school?

Maybe you thought you’d left it too late.

Maybe you didn’t feel ready.

Maybe you were keeping your options open.

Maybe it was the stress of a hectic exam schedule.

Whatever your reason for not applying to university before now, it’s not too late to apply–you still have until 30 June to get your application in for an undergraduate degree starting in September 2025.

All of our undergraduate degrees are currently still open for applications until they fill up.

Get your application in for your preferred degree as soon as possible to guarantee that you’re considered for September entry.

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How do I apply to Abertay?

Whether you’re still waiting on your exam results or you already have the grades you need, you’ll need to apply for your preferred Abertay degree through the UCAS website


When do I need to apply by?

Guarantee your application is considered for your degree of choice by applying before 30 June 2025. 


Should I contact Abertay before making an application?

Yes, by all means contact us to double check. If there are spaces on any of our undergraduate degrees, then you can apply.

If you have any other questions, you’re more than welcome to give our Student Recruitment Office a call on +44 (0)1382 308080 or drop them an email on

Girl studying in Abertay library

Undergraduate Courses 

Our wide-ranging undergraduate courses help develop you into a confident, independent thinker who's ready to face the challenges of the modern world. Find your perfect course from Scotland's TOP Modern University for Student Satisfaction (NSS 2024).


Samantha Pirie

Samantha applied late to Abertay from school, as she thought she wasn't ready to apply in January–but when her exam results arrived, it became clear what her next step should be.

Originally, I thought I wasn't ready for uni in January, so I didn't apply to UCAS.

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