Make your UCAS application

Explore advice on signing up to UCAS, choosing a referee and how to write your personal statement.

Applying to UCAS

Our main advice when submitting an application for an undergraduate degree is to take your time. Start early, do a draft version and ask other people to read it through for you. The more time you take to write and check it, the better it'll be.

You can sign up for a UCAS account anytime, and work on your application before September if you want to. 

Here are some key dates that will help you.

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Register for a UCAS account

You apply through UCAS - the Universities & Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)

To do this, register for a UCAS account and view the step-by-step instructions on how to fill in your UCAS application.

If you’re at school or college, they’ll usually arrange sessions to support you through the process. They'll also give you a buzzword for UCAS to ID you as one of their applicants. This is so they can help you if you need it. If you’re not at school or college, you apply as an individual.

There is an 'Apply' link at the top of every course page that takes you to the relevant pages in UCAS.

Choices: Firm and Insurance

You can choose and apply for up to five courses.

Once you have your five responses, you'll need to pick your top two university options: your firm choice and your insurance choice. You should only do this once all your university choices have replied.

Your firm choice is your preferred university and course, while your insurance choice is there as a back-up in case you don’t get the grades you need for your firm choice.


Choose an adult who understands your skills and achievements. If you're in education, this is normally a teacher who knows you well. UCAS has some great advice about choosing the right referee.

If you're not currently in education, we need someone who can give an professional, balanced opinion. This can be someone like a former employer/boss, a guidance counsellor or a sports coach. It should be someone who understands your motivation, skills and achievements.

UCAS will contact them directly for a written reference, so give them time to respond by applying before Christmas.

Your personal statement

Your personal statement is your chance to shine. Make sure you:

  • Write clearly and precisely.

  • Are enthusiastic and positive.

  • Give your reasons for choosing the course.

  • Write about your academic skills and give examples.

  • Tell us about jobs, hobbies and volunteer experiences.

  • Include your future career plans.

  • Most of all, explain why you have chosen this course.

All these things show us why you are well suited to the course you’ve applied for. And yes, we do read EVERY SINGLE one. UCAS also have some good advice about how to write your personal statement.

When to apply

You can apply between September and January. 

The final deadline is usually mid-late January. The deadlines change slightly each year, but it's always in January.

We strongly recommend applying before then. The earlier you apply, the earlier you’ll get your offer.

Find all the important deadlines here

If we have spaces left on the course, there may be opportunities to apply up until the end of June. Please don't forget Clearing, which starts early July and runs through into August. 

We can't guarantee you a place, but it's worth contacting us to check if the course has spaces available.

Please note: if you previously started an undergraduate degree with us and withdrew from your degree, you'll need to apply through the normal UCAS cycle by 30 June at the latest - we won't be able to consider your application in Clearing.

Still have questions?

Call the Student Recruitment Office on +44 (0)1382 308080 or email


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