Dawn Dawson

Through the Santander Employability Scheme, Dawn secured a graphic design internship with Resonate Dance Company. The opportunity has provide her with valuable work experience in the creative sector and has boosted her confidence in the workplace.

Dawn is a BA (Hons) Computer Arts graduate. 

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

Being able to strengthen my graphic design skills and working with the young people involved in the Dance Company to create a logo everyone was happy with.

The scheme has allowed me to see potential career paths in freelancing and graphic design which I had not previously considered.
Dawn Dawson | Abertay University | BA (Hons) Computer Arts graduate

What have you gained from taking part in the scheme?

My internship gives a great insight into working life and how to communicate with clients when creating a product. It also helps to build a number of useful skills such as problem-solving, communication and being able to negotiate with others. I was also able to particularly expand my technical skills as well which is an added benefit.

I would say it definitely has helped with my future career and has allowed me to see potential career paths in freelancing and graphic design which I had not previously considered. I would absolutely recommend doing an internship to other students as it brings so many benefits and can also open doors for you!

You can learn more about the Santander Employability Scheme here

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