8.10 Physical resources

Classes in this category covers information at a strategic level relating to the institution's management of its physical resources. Information available on this page is also published under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004. Please visit the Publication Scheme page entitled Guide to Information for charges.

Access to online information is free. For other costs please see the page containing the University's charging policy.

1. Description of estate

Overview of the institution's estate.

Abertay University has a compact, city-centre campus: a map and further campus information is available on this page.

Find out more about the University's Estates Strategy

2. Estate development plans

Plans for major changes to the estate, including plans for use of major external capital funding.

In addition, please visit the Scottish Funding Council website.

3. Buildings under construction

There are currently no buildings under construction.

4. Maintenance

Maintenance arrangements and policies for buildings and grounds.

Some arrangements are undertaken in-house. Otherwise, please visit the page on procurement.

For other information, please make any request to: Freedom of Information, Governance Office, Abertay University, Bell Street, Dundee, Scotland DD1 1HG.

Email: foi@abertay.ac.uk

5. Estates indicators

Performance indicators on major estates functions. Please refer to the University's Estates Strategy, Strategic Plan, and Sustainable Development Strategy.

The Higher Education Statistics Agency already publishes a range of estates-related and environmental statistics, for this University and other UK Universities. This information is available from its Estates Management - Environmental Information page.

6. Environmental policies

The institution's environmental policies, practices and overview of their impact.

Please refer to the pages linked above.

Otherwise, please make a request for information to the contact details above.

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