8.12 Equality and Diversity

This category provides information about the institution's policies and strategies regarding Equality and Diversity. Access to online information is free. Otherwise, please visit the University's page containing its charging policy.

Please visit the Equality and Diversity and the Public Sector Equality Duty pages.

1. Equal opportunities policies and guidance

Please visit the pages linked elsewhere on this page.

2. Equal opportunities consultation

Information about consultation procedures required for compliance with statutory equality duties.

Please visit the pages linked above, plus the Working at Abertay page.

3. Equality management infrastructure

Please visit the pages linked above.

Otherwise, please request information from foi@abertay.ac.uk.

4. Mainstreaming Equality Reports produced under Equalities legislation

Please visit this page.

5. Employee and Board equality monitoring reports produced under Equalities legislation

Please visit the pages linked above, and please visit the pages for University Court.

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