Corporate Financial Integrity Policy

The guidelines for responsible use of corporate cards, management of expenses, and the acceptance/offering of gifts and hospitality.


1. Purpose

2. Corporate Card

3. Expenses

4. Gifts and Hospitality

5. Compliance and Reporting

6. Reporting Concerns

7. Review and Updates


1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for responsible use of corporate cards1, management of expenses, and the acceptance/offering of gifts and hospitality to ensure ethical conduct, financial integrity, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

This policy applies to all University employees, and where appropriate, to students and all associates engaged in university business who incur expenses, which the university has agreed to reimburse.

Under the rules laid down within the University’s Financial Regulations, University employees and all others engaged in University business will be reimbursed for the actual cost of expenses that are wholly, exclusively and necessarily incurred in the performance of University business.  Please refer to the supporting guidance document for further detail on the application of the corporate financial integrity policy.


1. Corporate Card is noted as either a university credit card or pre-loaded debit card.

2. Corporate Card

2.1 Authorised Users

Corporate cards are issued to authorised employees in accordance with the University’s Financial Regulations. Only individuals explicitly authorised by Abertay University are eligible to possess and use a corporate card. Cardholders must use them only for the purposes for which they have been issued.

2.2 Permissible Use

Corporate cards are to be used solely for legitimate business expenses that directly benefit the university.   Permissible uses include:  travel expenses such as meals, subsistence, and other ad hoc purchases when travelling; hospitality, including client meetings; and other pre-approved business-related expenses.

2.3 Prohibited Use

Corporate cards are strictly prohibited for personal expenses. Prohibited activities include:

  • Purchases for personal use.
  • Purchase of goods and services not related to those detailed in the permissible use section - these must be directed to
  • General Travel, such as Rail, Flights, Transfers and Hotels – this must be done via the Travel Management Solution, (see guidance document for exceptions).
  • Gambling or any illegal activities.

2.4 Spending Limits

Each cardholder is assigned a spending limit based on their job function.  Requests to exceed spending limits must be submitted for pre-approval by the Director of Finance, Infrastructure, and Corporate Services or their nominee. 

2.5 Reporting and Documentation

Cardholders must maintain detailed receipts for all transactions.

Credit card expense reports, including receipts, must be submitted promptly, and any discrepancies or non-compliance will be investigated.

3. Expenses

3.1 Eligible Expenses

Employees are expected to incur expenses that are necessary and reasonable for the performance of their job duties.

Eligible expenses include: Travel and accommodation subsistence, that is not covered by the Travel Management Solution/Team; Meals and Drinks (non alcoholic only); Hospitality/Business entertaining; Personal Incidental Expenses


3.2 Documentation and Approval

Detailed receipts for all expenses must be submitted with timely and accurate expense forms. (see guidance document for exceptions)

Expenses require approval by the appropriate supervisor/manager before reimbursement.

Any discrepancies or non-compliance will be investigated and addressed accordingly.


4. Gifts and Hospitality

4.1 Acceptable Gifts

Employees may accept gifts of nominal value as long as they do not compromise objectivity or create conflict of interest.  Employees should report any gifts received that exceed the nominal value of £20.

4.2 Hospitality and Entertainment

Hospitality and entertainment expenses must align with business objectives and be reasonable in nature.  High-cost or frequent hospitality events require pre-approval from the senior manager2.  Where hospitality or entertainment includes a senior manager, approval is required from their direct report, be it either Principal or Deputy Principal.


2. Senior Manager – refers to your senior manager or designate, for the avoidance of doubt this could be either of the following – Principal, Deputy Principal, Vice Principal, Director, Dean, or other senior manager approved by the Principal.

5. Compliance and Reporting

5.1 Legal and Regulatory Compliance

All employees must adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and the Nolan Principles of Public Life [insert link] regarding financial transactions, including the use of corporate cards, expenses, and gifts and hospitality.

5.2 Consequences of Non-Compliance

Violations may result in disciplinary actions.  Legal action may be taken in the case of intentional misuse or fraudulent activities, as detailed in section 26 “Corruption and Fraud”, of Abertay University’s Financial Regulations.

6. Reporting concerns

Employees are required to report any concerns or potential violations of this policy through established reporting channels.


7. Review and Updates

This policy will be reviewed periodically, and updates will be communicated to all relevant employees.  Abertay University reserves the right to amend this policy as needed to reflect changes in business practices or regulations.

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